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Corn plant growth components response to soil chemical properties as consequence of irrigation with saline - hyper sodic water and leaching application
Corn plant growth components response to soil chemical properties as consequence of irrigation with saline - hyper sodic water and leaching application
Corn plant growth components response to soil chemical properties as consequence of irrigation with saline - hyper sodic water and leaching application
Collaborative Real-Time Content Download Application for Wireless Device-to-Device Communications
Collaborative Real-Time Content Download Application for Wireless Device-to-Device Communications
MDP Modeling of Resource Provisioning in Virtualized Content-Delivery Networks
Seismic Response of Semi-sine Shaped Hill and Valley with Consideration of Dynamic Behaviour of Cohesionless Soils
The potential of ligustrum vulgare L. as a heavy metal accumulator in urban soils
Soil salinity control under barley cultivation using a laboratory dry drainage model
Soil salinity control under barley cultivation using a laboratory dry drainage model
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against gamma ray
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against gamma ray
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against gamma ray
Soil cadmium stabilization using an Iranian natural zeolite
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