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Experimental study of flow boiling of DI-water in a nanostructured vertical micro channel
Investigation of thermal properties os SiO2- lauric acid nanocomposit as a phase change material for thermal energy storage
The (non-)central contributions to the binding energy of the asymmetric nucleonic matter in the LOCV approximation
Performance Analysis Of SWIFT Relay Systems Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels With Non-Linear Energy Harvester and Hybrid Protocol
Investigation of Underwater Optical Wireless Communications with Turbulence
Investigation of Underwater Optical Wireless Communications with Turbulence
The effects of geometric parameters under small and large deformations on dissipative performance of shape memory alloy helical springs
Assessment of different turbulence models for predicting varied parameters of fluid flow in naturally double skin façade
Improving Energy Efficiency of Massive MIMO Relay Systems using Power Bisection Allocation for Cell-Edge Users
recent approaches and advancements in energy production conversion and storage systemes using electrochemical methods
Max-Min Fairness Energy Efficiency for Multi-User MIMO Wireless Powered Communication Networks
Impacts of Energy Storage Systems on Market Power in a Day-Ahead Market with a Dominant Producer
Max-Min Fairness Energy Efficiency for Multi-User MIMO Wireless Powered Communication Networks
Experimental investigation of turbulent heat transfer of Al2O3/water nanofluid in circular tube
Experimental Investigation of pressure drop in concurrent air-water flow