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Soil shear strength prediction using intelligent systems artificial neural networks and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
Soil shear strength prediction using intelligent systems artificial neural networks and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
Soil formation in loess-derived soils along a subhumid to humid climate gradient Northeastern Iran
Relationships of 137Cs inventory with magnetic measures of calcareous soils of hilly region in Iran
Effect of regenerated soil structure on unsaturated transport of Escherichia coli and bromide
Identification of Microsatellite Markers Associated with Grain Protein Content in Durum Wheat Grown under Drought Stress at Terminal Growth Stages
Identification of Microsatellite Markers Associated with Grain Protein Content in Durum Wheat Grown under Drought Stress at Terminal Growth Stages
Shear Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Soil Composite on the Base of Pull-Out Test
Shear Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Soil Composite on the Base of Pull-Out Test
Shear Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Soil Composite on the Base of Pull-Out Test
Shear Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Soil Composite on the Base of Pull-Out Test
Effect of Soil and Foliar Application of Iron and Zinc on Quantitative and Qualitative Yield of Pomegranate
Influence of moisture content and whitening method on degree of milling and head rice yield of three Iranian rice varieties
Influence of moisture content and whitening method on degree of milling and head rice yield of three Iranian rice varieties
Effect of corn starch content in thermoplastic starch/low-density polyethylene blends on their mechanical and flow properties