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Effects of prepartum dietary energy on performance and metabolic diseases of Holstein cows under heat stress
The effect of surfactants of near-surface concentration fluctuations due to turbulence and wind stress
Treadmill Motion of Wing Possibility of MAV with Vertical Take-Off
Effect of supplemental lipotropic factors on productive performance of laying hens on high-energy diets
Interactive effect of dietary metabolizable energy level and lipotropic factors on performance and egg quality of laying hens
An analysis of wind energy potential and economic evaluation in Zahedan Iran
Fabrication and characterization of nanocrystalline Mg-substituted fluorapatite by high energy ball milling
Numerical simulation of drop deformations and breakup modes caused by direct current electric field
Energy analysis of multiple-cracked Euler-Bernoulli beam
Hybrid pulse position modulation and binary phase shift keying subcarrier intensity modulation for free space optics in a weak and saturated turbulence channel
Rarefaction and dissipation effects on transport phenomena associated with an immiscible two-phase flow within a shaft-housing micro configuration
Rarefaction and dissipation effects on transport phenomena associated with an immiscible two-phase flow within a shaft-housing micro configuration
Enhancing Users' Quality of Experienced with Minimum Energy Consumption by Fog Nodes Cooperation in Internet of Things
Using the cuckoo algorithm to optimizing the response time and energy consumption cost of fog nodes by considering collaboration in the fog layer