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An experimental study on mechanical properties of a novel hybrid metal polymer joining technology based on a reaction between isocyanate and hydroxyl groups
Citric acid-modified layered double hydroxides as a green reinforcing agent for improving thermal and mechanical properties of poly(vinyl alcohol)-based nanocomposite films
Exploration of the Role of Modified Titania Nanoparticles With Citric Acid and Vitamin C in Improvement of Thermal Stability Optical Property and Mechanical Behavior of Novel Poly(vinyl chloride) Nanocomposite Films
Bulk Al/Al3Zr composite prepared by mechanical alloying and hot extrusion for high temperatures applications
Bulk Al/Al3Zr composite prepared by mechanical alloying and hot extrusion for high temperatures applications
Effects of magnetic assistance on improving tool wear resistance and cutting mechanisms during steel turning
Effects of magnetic assistance on improving tool wear resistance and cutting mechanisms during steel turning
Diffusion brazing of Ti6Al4V and AISI 304 an EBSD study and mechanical properties
Diffusion brazing of Ti6Al4V and AISI 304 an EBSD study and mechanical properties
Investigation of thermal mechanical behavior and contact angle measurements of poly (vinyl chloride) based nanocomposite films containing coated CuO nanoparticles with thiamine
Health risk of whole body vibration in mining trucks during various operational conditions
An Analytical Time Domain Solution for the Forced Vibration Analysis of Thick-Walled Cylinders
Meeting the Contact-Mechanics Challenge
Meeting the Contact-Mechanics Challenge
Physical mechanical and dry sliding wear propertiesof hybrid and non-hybrid Al-V nanocomposites produced by powder metallurgy