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Feature selection using parallel genetic algorithm for the prediction of geometric mean diameter of soil aggregates by machine learning methods
Feature selection using parallel genetic algorithm for the prediction of geometric mean diameter of soil aggregates by machine learning methods
Lithogenic and anthropogenic impacts on soil surface magnetic susceptibility in an arid region of Central Iran
Escherichia coli transport through intact gypsiferous and calcareous soils during saturated and unsaturated flows
Least limiting water range as affected by soil texture and cropping system
Bromide and lithium transport in soils under long-term cultivation ofalfalfa and wheat
Using Slippage Theory to Analyze Shear Behavior of Loop-Formed Fiber Reinforced Soil Composites
Using Slippage Theory to Analyze Shear Behavior of Loop-Formed Fiber Reinforced Soil Composites
Using Slippage Theory to Analyze Shear Behavior of Loop-Formed Fiber Reinforced Soil Composites
Optimization the Distance between Piles in Supporting Srtructure Using Soil Arching Effect
Prediction of moisture content in pre-osmosed and ultrasounded dried banana using genetic algorithm and neural network
Electrodeposition of high Mo content amorphous/nanocrystalline Ni Mo alloys using 1-methyl-imidazolium chloride ionic liquid as an additive
Use of magnetic measures to assess soil redistribution following deforestation in hilly region
Evaluation of the Effect of Fermentation Hydrothermal Treatment Soda and Table Salt on Phytase Activity and Phytate Content of Three Iranian Wheat Cultivars
Evaluation of the Effect of Fermentation Hydrothermal Treatment Soda and Table Salt on Phytase Activity and Phytate Content of Three Iranian Wheat Cultivars