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Relationships between rut depth and soil mechanical properties in a calcareous soil with unstable structure
Relationships between rut depth and soil mechanical properties in a calcareous soil with unstable structure
The effect of preceding crop on wheat grain zinc concentration and its relationship to total amino acids and dissolved organic carbon in rhizosphere soil solution
The effect of preceding crop on wheat grain zinc concentration and its relationship to total amino acids and dissolved organic carbon in rhizosphere soil solution
The effect of preceding crop on wheat grain zinc concentration and its relationship to total amino acids and dissolved organic carbon in rhizosphere soil solution
Agricultural zinc fluxes into soils and crops of central Iran at regional scale
Agricultural zinc fluxes into soils and crops of central Iran at regional scale
Oil Content and Composition of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes as Affected by Irrigation Regimes
Oil Content and Composition of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes as Affected by Irrigation Regimes
Lead Concentrations in the Around Soil sof Some Exit Highwaysin Ahwaz
Impacts of land use on soil organic matter and degree of compactness in calcareous soils of central Iran
Impacts of land use on soil organic matter and degree of compactness in calcareous soils of central Iran
Green manure and overlapped rhizosphere effects on Pb chemical forms in soil and plant uptake in maize/canola intercrop systems A rhizobox study
Green manure and overlapped rhizosphere effects on Pb chemical forms in soil and plant uptake in maize/canola intercrop systems A rhizobox study
Phenological Yield Essential Oil Yield and Oil Content of Cumin Accessions as Affected by Irrigation Regimes