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Soil mechanical reinforcement by the fibrous roots of selected rangeland plants using a large soil-root shear apparatus
Soil mechanical reinforcement by the fibrous roots of selected rangeland plants using a large soil-root shear apparatus
Soil mechanical reinforcement by the fibrous roots of selected rangeland plants using a large soil-root shear apparatus
Soil microbial improvement using enriched vinasse as a new abundant waste
Soil microbial improvement using enriched vinasse as a new abundant waste
Soil microbial improvement using enriched vinasse as a new abundant waste
Pyrolysis of different organic feedstock combinations as soil amendments enhances the reclamation of saline-sodic soil
Pyrolysis of different organic feedstock combinations as soil amendments enhances the reclamation of saline-sodic soil
Pyrolysis of different organic feedstock combinations as soil amendments enhances the reclamation of saline-sodic soil
Pasture degradation effects on soil quality indicators at different hillslope positions in a semiarid region of western Iran
Near-saturated soil hydraulic properties as influenced by land use management systems in Koohrang region of central Zagros Iran
Near-saturated soil hydraulic properties as influenced by land use management systems in Koohrang region of central Zagros Iran
Near-saturated soil hydraulic properties as influenced by land use management systems in Koohrang region of central Zagros Iran
Survival of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 in soil impact of calcium carbonate and temperature
Relationships between rut depth and soil mechanical properties in a calcareous soil with unstable structure