Finding Contents or People

Integrating auxiliary data and geophysical techniques for the estimation of soil clay content using CHAID algorithm
Investigation of high temperature wear resistance of electroless nickel coating with different contents of phosphorous
A Hybrid Method based on Statistical Features and Packet Content Analysis to Identify Major Network Tunneling Protocols
Dynamic QoS-Aware Resource Assignment in Cloud-Based Content-Delivery Networks
Essential oil composition total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Thymus species collected from different regions of Iran
Essential oil composition total phenolic and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Thymus species collected from different regions of Iran
Local derivative radial patterns A new texture descriptor for content-based image retrieval
Local derivative radial patterns A new texture descriptor for content-based image retrieval
Variation in morphological characters chemical composition and anthocyanin content of different Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars from Iran
Variation in morphological characters chemical composition and anthocyanin content of different Chrysanthemum morifolium cultivars from Iran
Influence of magnetopriming on germination growth physiology oil and essential contents of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.)
Impacts of Clay Content and Type on Shear Strength and Splash Erosion of Clay-Sand Mixtures
Impacts of Clay Content and Type on Shear Strength and Splash Erosion of Clay-Sand Mixtures
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying