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Dynamic mechanical relaxations of electrospun poly(acrylonitrile-co-methyl acrylate) nanofibrous yarn
Forecasting ground vibration due to rock blasting a hybrid intelligent approach using support vector regression and fuzzy C-means clustering
Investigation of Heat transfer in mechanical draft wet cooling towers using infrared thermal images An experimental study
Optimization and Characterization of Surface Mechanical Properties of AZ31B/CNT Nano-composite through Friction Stir Processing (FSP) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Design of Experiments
Optimization and Characterization of Surface Mechanical Properties of AZ31B/CNT Nano-composite through Friction Stir Processing (FSP) using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Design of Experiments
The Influence of Tool Geometry on the Mechanical Behaviour of FSSWed Al/Cu ARBed Composite
The Influence of Tool Geometry on the Mechanical Behaviour of FSSWed Al/Cu ARBed Composite
Experimental and numerical vibration analysis of wire rope isolators under quasi-static and dynamic loadings
Effect of the fungus Piriformospora indica on physiological characteristics and root morphology of wheat under combined drought and mechanical stresses
An experimental study on mechanical properties of a novel hybrid metal polymer joining technology based on a reaction between isocyanate and hydroxyl groups
Nanocalcium phosphate bone cement based on Si-stabilized -tricalcium phosphate with improved mechanical properties
Nanocalcium phosphate bone cement based on Si-stabilized -tricalcium phosphate with improved mechanical properties
On the mechanics of laminated microplates
On the mechanics of laminated microplates
An experimental study on mechanical properties of a novel hybrid metal polymer joining technology based on a reaction between isocyanate and hydroxyl groups