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effect of extruded cotton seed and canola seed on carcass traits and CLA content of longissimus dorsi muscle in mehraban lambs
The effect of microsilica and refractory cement content on the properties of andalusite based low cement castables used in aluminum casthouse
Non-destructive measurement of moisture and soluble solids content of Mazafati date fruit by NIR spectroscopy
The effect of microsilica and refractory cement content on the properties of andalusite based low cement castables used in aluminum casthouse
Synthesis Characterization and Properties of a Series of Copoly(amide-imide-ether-urethane)s with a New Hard Segment Constituent Study of the Effect of Hard Segment Content
Evaluation of Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Iranian Caraway in Compare to Clove and BHT Using Model Systems and vegetable oil
Seasonala changes in mineral content of different organ in the alternate bearing of pistachio trees
Seasonala changes in mineral content of different organ in the alternate bearing of pistachio trees
Evaluation of Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Iranian Caraway in Compare to Clove and BHT Using Model Systems and vegetable oil
Salinity tolerance of bermudagerass (Cynodon spp. L. C. Rich) cultivars and shoot Na and Cl contents under a high saline environment
Salinity tolerance of bermudagerass (Cynodon spp. L. C. Rich) cultivars and shoot Na and Cl contents under a high saline environment
Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of salt tolerance in bread wheat plants based on ion contents and biological yield
Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of salt tolerance in bread wheat plants based on ion contents and biological yield
Performance prediction of a specific wear rate of epoxy nanocomposites with various composition content of Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) graphite short carbon fibers (CF) and nano-TiO2 using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)
Performance prediction of a specific wear rate of epoxy nanocomposites with various composition content of Polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) graphite short carbon fibers (CF) and nano-TiO2 using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)