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Oil Content and Fatty Acids Composition in Brassica Species
Oil Content and Fatty Acids Composition in Brassica Species
Vibro-fluidized bed heat pump drying of mint leaves with respect to phenolic content antioxidant activity and color indices
Vibro-fluidized bed heat pump drying of mint leaves with respect to phenolic content antioxidant activity and color indices
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity in Eight Achillea Species
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity in Eight Achillea Species
Comparison of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in different Salvia species using three model systems
Comparison of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in different Salvia species using three model systems
Comparison of total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in different Salvia species using three model systems
Discussion of Discharge Coefficient of Circular-Crested Weirs Based on a Combination of Flow around a Cylinder and Circulation by Abdorreza Kabiri-Samani and Sara Bagheri
Growth Defects and Chromium Content Loss during the Deposition of Stainless Steel by CAE-PVD and Its Effect on the Corrosion and Passivation Behavior of the Coating
Growth Defects and Chromium Content Loss during the Deposition of Stainless Steel by CAE-PVD and Its Effect on the Corrosion and Passivation Behavior of the Coating
effect of sodium cholorid stress on gas exchange cholorophyll content and nutrient concentration of nine citrus rootstocks
effect of sodium cholorid stress on gas exchange cholorophyll content and nutrient concentration of nine citrus rootstocks
Ion content and its correlation with some physiological parameters in olive cultivars in response to salinity