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The extrapolation of soil great groups using multinomial logistic regression at regional scale in arid regions of Iran
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against Gamma Ray
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against Gamma Ray
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against Gamma Ray
The performance of clay at different moisture contents for environmental protection against Gamma Ray
Ability of sulfur-oxidising bacteria to hasten degradation of ground rubber particles in soil for release of zinc as a fertiliser to correct deficiency in wheat
Estimation of unsaturated shear strength parameters using easily-available soil properties
Soil surface quality assessment in rangeland ecosystems with different protection levels central Iran
Soil surface quality assessment in rangeland ecosystems with different protection levels central Iran
Soil surface quality assessment in rangeland ecosystems with different protection levels central Iran
On the Hot Deformation Behavior of a Ni-Free Austenitic Stainless Steel Interstitially Alloyed with Low Nitrogen Content
Effect of temperature on soil structural stability as characterized by high energy moisture characteristic method
Effect of temperature on soil structural stability as characterized by high energy moisture characteristic method
Large macroaggregates determine distribution of soil amidohydrolase activities at different landscape positions
Biodegradation of n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using novel indigenous bacteria isolated from contaminated soils