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Energy recovery from industrial crop wastes by dry anaerobic digestion: A review
Comparing magnitudes of surface energy stress in synchronous and asynchronous bending/buckling analysis of slanting double-layer METE nanoplates
A game theoretic approach for assessing residential energy-efficiency program considering rebound consumer behavior and government policies
A game theoretic approach for pricing policies in a duopolistic supply chain considering energy productivity industrial rebound effect and government policies
Vacuum Packaged Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Powering Smart Grid Monitoring Devices
Vacuum Packaged Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Powering Smart Grid Monitoring Devices
Vacuum Packaged Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Powering Smart Grid Monitoring Devices
GenCo's mid-term optimal operation analysis: interaction of wind farm, gas turbine, and energy storage systems in electricity and natural gas markets
GenCo's mid-term optimal operation analysis: interaction of wind farm, gas turbine, and energy storage systems in electricity and natural gas markets
An optimized approach for computing coincidence-site-lattice grain boundary energy
Improving oxidative damage, photosynthesis traits, growth and flower dropping of pepper under high temperature stress by selenium
Effects of milk thistle meal on performance ileal bacterial enumeration jejunal morphology and blood lipid peroxidation in laying hens fed diets with different levels of metabolizable energy
Effects of milk thistle meal on performance ileal bacterial enumeration jejunal morphology and blood lipid peroxidation in laying hens fed diets with different levels of metabolizable energy
Effects of milk thistle meal on performance ileal bacterial enumeration jejunal morphology and blood lipid peroxidation in laying hens fed diets with different levels of metabolizable energy
Characterization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters using Frequency-Weighted Impedance Method