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Effect of Initial Soil Water Content on Output Parameters of Sirmod Software Under Types of Different Irrigation Management
Stabilization of Crude Oil Contaminated Soils with Alkali-Activated Slag
A unified elasto-plastic constitutive model for sandy and clayey soils accounting for at-rest condition
A unified elasto-plastic constitutive model for sandy and clayey soils accounting for at-rest condition
Iron mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility of soils developed on various rocks in western Iran
Development and magnetic properties of loess-derived forest soils along a precipitation gradient in northern Iran
Determining the spatial distribution of soil properties using the environmental covariates and multivariate statistical analysis: a case study in semi-arid regions of Iran
Using magnetic susceptibility measurements to differentiate soil drainage classes in central Iran
Small- and large-scale analysis of bearing capacity and load-settlement behavior of rock-soil slopes reinforced with geogrid-box method
Digital mapping of soil invertebrates using environmental attributes in a deciduous forest ecosystem
How Soil Pore Distribution Could Help in Soil Quality Studies as an Appropriate Indicator
Effects of changing the air carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and soil moisture on growth and some physiological parameters of two species, Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richt and Bromus tomentellus Boiss
Effects of changing the air carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and soil moisture on growth and some physiological parameters of two species, Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richt and Bromus tomentellus Boiss
Effects of changing the air carbon dioxide concentration, temperature and soil moisture on growth and some physiological parameters of two species, Agropyron trichophorum (Link) Richt and Bromus tomentellus Boiss
Prediction of water quality effect on saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil by artificial neural networks