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Scenario-based modelling of soil conservation function by rangeland vegetation cover in northeastern Iran
Scenario-based modelling of soil conservation function by rangeland vegetation cover in northeastern Iran
Shear strength of an unsaturated loam soil as affected by vetiver and polyacrylamide
Effect of pore water pH on mechanical properties of clay soil
Effect of pore water pH on mechanical properties of clay soil
Effects of soil-structure interaction on inelastic response of torsionally-coupled structures
Effects of soil-structure interaction on inelastic response of torsionally-coupled structures
Effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on salt-stressed sorghum growth and nutrient contents
Effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on salt-stressed sorghum growth and nutrient contents
Effect of exogenous application of salicylic acid on salt-stressed sorghum growth and nutrient contents
Numerical Simulation of Tieback Excavations with Soldier Piles Using a New Unified Soil Model Considering at Rest Condition
Transport, retention, and release of Escherichia coli and Rhodococcus erythropolis through dry natural soils as affected by water repellency
Effect of crude oil-induced water repellency on transport of Escherichia coli and bromide through repacked and physically-weathered soil columns
Effect of crude oil-induced water repellency on transport of Escherichia coli and bromide through repacked and physically-weathered soil columns
Effect of Initial Soil Water Content on Output Parameters of Sirmod Software Under Types of Different Irrigation Management