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Soil organic carbon physical fractions and aggregate stability influenced by land use in humid region of northern Iran
Soil organic carbon physical fractions and aggregate stability influenced by land use in humid region of northern Iran
Changes in essential oil yield and fatty acid contents in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) genotypes in response to drought stress
Changes in essential oil yield and fatty acid contents in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) genotypes in response to drought stress
Biochar, manure, and super absorbent increased wheat yields and salt redistribution in a saline-sodic soil
Biochar, manure, and super absorbent increased wheat yields and salt redistribution in a saline-sodic soil
Biochar, manure, and super absorbent increased wheat yields and salt redistribution in a saline-sodic soil
Co-inoculation of Arizona cypress with mycorrhizae and rhizobacteria affects biomass, nutrient status, water-use efficiency, and glomalin-related soil protein concentration
Co-inoculation of Arizona cypress with mycorrhizae and rhizobacteria affects biomass, nutrient status, water-use efficiency, and glomalin-related soil protein concentration
Effects of Different Vegetation Patches on Soil Functionalityin the Central Iranian Arid Zone
Effects of Different Vegetation Patches on Soil Functionalityin the Central Iranian Arid Zone
Effects of Different Vegetation Patches on Soil Functionalityin the Central Iranian Arid Zone
Seismic fragility curves of steel structures including soil-structure interaction and variation of soil parameters
Use of biochar as a possible means of minimizing phosphate fixation and external P requirement of acidic soil
Comparison of Vis/SWNIR and NIR spectrometers combined with different multivariate techniques for estimating soil fertility parameters of calcareous topsoil in an arid climate