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Effect of co-composting municipal solid waste with Mg-modified zeolite on soil water balance components using HYDRUS-1D
The relationship between tomato fruit growth, incidence of blossom-end rot and phytohormone content as affected by sink/source ratio
The relationship between tomato fruit growth, incidence of blossom-end rot and phytohormone content as affected by sink/source ratio
Identifying the Effective Parameters in Soil Arching for Retaining Structure; A case study of Line 2 of Mashhad Subway
A joint economic lot-size model for sustainable industries of recycled content products
Simulation modeling of border irrigation performance under different soil texture classes and land uses
Physiological response of Arizona cypress to Cd-contaminated soil inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
Physiological response of Arizona cypress to Cd-contaminated soil inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
Improvement in growth parameters and essential oil content and characteristics of populations derived from intraspecific crosses ofMentha spicataandM. longifolia
Improvement in growth parameters and essential oil content and characteristics of populations derived from intraspecific crosses ofMentha spicataandM. longifolia
Effects of land use and reducing conditions of paddy fields on soil quality and high energy moisture characteristic structural stability indices in North of Iran
The effects of shallow saline groundwater on evaporation, soil moisture, and temperature distribution in the presence of straw mulch
Digital mapping of soil drainage using remote sensing, DEM and soil color in a semiarid region of Central Iran
Carbonates and organic matter in soils characterized by reflected energy from 350-25000 nm wavelength
Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar: Preparation, Characterization, and Its Effects on Soil Properties and Zinc Sorption-desorption