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Solving fractional Burgers equations using the Hopf-Cole transformation and local discontinuous Galerkin method
The Combination of Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Method with Thin Film Evaporation for Extraction of Rivastigmine Drug in Biological Samples before Analyzing by Secondary Electrospray Ionization-Ion Mobility Spectrometry
A General Framework for Saliency Detection Methods
Bond strength of prestressed CFRP strips to concrete substrate comparative evaluation of EBR and EBROG method
A Comprehensive Sensor Selection Method based on Energy Constraints for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing
A Robust and Fast Method for Estimating and Tracking the Instantaneous Fundamental Frequency of Audio Signals
Energy Efficient Power Allocation in Downlink OFDMA Systems using SQP Method
Comparison of H2 Controller Design Methods for Non-uniform Sampled-data Systems
Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for dc Voltage Balancing in Vienna Rectifier
The Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Lattice Boltzmann Method for the Nearly Incompressible Fluid Flow Simulations on Complex Geometries
Simulation of Adsorption in Air Flow through a Zeolite Packed Bed using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Design and finite element modeling of a novel optical microsystemsbased tactile sensor for minimal invasive robotic surgery
Comparison of ? and ? methods with CPT and pile load test data: A case study with attention on soil setup Effects
GRTHT A Novel Collision- Free and Storage- Efficient Hash- based Method to Find LMP
Variable Gain Adaptive Controller Based on Sensitivity Method for DC-DC Boost Converter