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An effective subgradient algorithm via Mifflin’s line search for nonsmooth nonconvex multiobjective optimization
A quasi-Newton proximal bundle method using gradient sampling technique for minimizing nonsmooth convex functions
A new method based on the proximal bundle idea and gradient sampling technique for minimizing nonsmooth convex functions
A gradient sampling method based on ideal direction for solving nonsmooth optimization problems
Fine structures roll up in the flow of film boiling at high density ratios
Simulation of a group of droplets evaporation
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Analyzing Factors Affecting the Recycling and Reuse of Bread Waste Using Content Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, and Structural Equations
Supervised deep learning for content-aware image retargeting with Fourier Convolutions
Experimental investigation of the effects of oil asphaltene content on CO2 foam stability in the presence of nanoparticles and sodium dodecyl sulfate
Experimental investigation of the effects of oil asphaltene content on CO2 foam stability in the presence of nanoparticles and sodium dodecyl sulfate
Influence of reducing starch in the dietswith similar protein and energy contents on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, digestibility, behaviour and blood metabolites in primiparous andmultiparous dairy cows
Influence of reducing starch in the dietswith similar protein and energy contents on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, digestibility, behaviour and blood metabolites in primiparous andmultiparous dairy cows