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Dynamical formulation of low-energy scattering in one dimension
Measurement of differential cross sections for Z bosons produced in association with charm jets in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV
Measurement of differential cross sections for Z bosons produced in association with charm jets in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV
Real Time Demand Response Modeling for Residential Consumers in Smart Grid Considering Renewable Energy With Deep Learning Approach
Mechanistic insight into the hydrogenation of acetylene on the Pd2/g-C3N4 catalyst: effect of Pd clustering on the barrier energy and selectivity
Mechanistic insight into the hydrogenation of acetylene on the Pd2/g-C3N4 catalyst: effect of Pd clustering on the barrier energy and selectivity
Scheduling of Cellular manufacturing system considering price elasticity of demand and varying energy price based on the time of use
Experimental study of the effects of a vertical channel on the natural convection of a horizontal cylinder
Experimental study of the effects of a vertical channel on the natural convection of a horizontal cylinder
Experimental and numerical investigation of energy harvesting from double cantilever beams with internal resonance
Experimental and numerical investigation of energy harvesting from double cantilever beams with internal resonance
First measurement of large area jet transverse momentum spectra in heavy-ion collisions
Measurements of the differential cross sections of the production of Z + jets and gamma + jets and of Z boson emission collinear with a jet in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV
Measurements of the differential cross sections of the production of Z + jets and gamma + jets and of Z boson emission collinear with a jet in pp collisions at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ = 13 TeV
Numerical simulation of jet mode in electrospraying of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids