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Effect of Particle content on grain growth and properties of Al-Al2O3 nanocomposites produced by mechanical alloying and hot - pressing
Effect of Particle content on grain growth and properties of Al-Al2O3 nanocomposites produced by mechanical alloying and hot - pressing
Prolonged provision of protected methionine improves milk contents and yields of fat and protein in lactating cows
Evaluation of Densification Grain Growth and Fluorine Content Effect of Nano-structured Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite by Using Two Step Sintering
Evaluation of Densification Grain Growth and Fluorine Content Effect of Nano-structured Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite by Using Two Step Sintering
Zinc and Cadmium content in fertilizer commonly used in Iran
Zinc and Cadmium content in fertilizer commonly used in Iran
Effect of Lead content of zinc bath on formability and mechanical properties of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet
Effect of Lead content of zinc bath on formability and mechanical properties of hot-dip galvanized steel sheet
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Numerical study of the performance of low water content water-diesel blended fuel
Effect of Moisture content and particle type on terminal velocity of corn silage
Effect of Moisture content and particle type on terminal velocity of corn silage
Effect of Moisture content and particle type on terminal velocity of corn silage
Grain yield and oil and protein content of spring-sown safflower genotypes in Isfahan-Iran