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Water infiltration and clod size distribution as influenced by ploughshare type soil water content and ploughing depth
Application of surface electrochemical passivation of lead-antimony alloy for a simple and rapid electrochemical determination of antimony content
Changes in carbohydrate contents in shoot tips leaves and roots of strawberry( Fragaria ananassa Duch.) during flower-bud diffrentiation
Enhancing the available water content in unsaturated soil zone using hydrogel to improve plant growth indices
Enhancing the available water content in unsaturated soil zone using hydrogel to improve plant growth indices
Determination of Sulfur Contents of SO32- S2O32- and S2- Based on the Electrocatalytic Interaction with Homogeneous Mediator tris(2 2 -Bipyridyl)Ru(II)
Seasonala changes in mineral content of different organ in the alternate bearing of pistachio trees
Seasonala changes in mineral content of different organ in the alternate bearing of pistachio trees
Evaluation of Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Iranian Caraway in Compare to Clove and BHT Using Model Systems and vegetable oil
Evaluation of Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Iranian Caraway in Compare to Clove and BHT Using Model Systems and vegetable oil
Determination of chemical composition mineral contents and protein quality of Iranian kilka fish meal
Evaluation of phenolic content and antioxidant activity of Iranian caraway in comparison with clove and BHT using model systems and vegetable oil
The effect of fluorine content on the mechanical properties of poly (e-caprolactone)/nano-fluoridated hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone-tissue engineering
The effect of fluorine content on the mechanical properties of poly (e-caprolactone)/nano-fluoridated hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone-tissue engineering
The effect of fluorine content on the mechanical properties of poly (caprolactone)/nano-fluoridated hydroxyapatite scaffold for bone-tissue engineering