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Resource Allocation in a MIMO Full-Duplex Relay Network With Imperfect CSI and Energy Harvesting
Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of CP-Ti Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion under Similar Energy Densities
Microstructure and Corrosion Properties of CP-Ti Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion under Similar Energy Densities
Effects of governmental policies on energy-efficiency improvement of hydrogen fuel cell cars: A game-theoretic approach
Effects of governmental policies on energy-efficiency improvement of hydrogen fuel cell cars: A game-theoretic approach
Search for high-mass resonances decaying to a jet and a Lorentz-boosted resonance in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV
Search for high-mass resonances decaying to a jet and a Lorentz-boosted resonance in proton-proton collisions at s=13TeV
CFD simulation and experimental study of antisolvent precipitation through impinging jets for synthesis of nanodrug particles
CFD simulation and experimental study of antisolvent precipitation through impinging jets for synthesis of nanodrug particles
Interaction between the Human OX2 Orexin Receptor and Suvorexant and Some of Its Analogues: SAPT (DFT) Interaction Energy Decomposition Analysis
Interaction between the Human OX2 Orexin Receptor and Suvorexant and Some of Its Analogues: SAPT (DFT) Interaction Energy Decomposition Analysis
Multi-phase-field approach to fracture demonstrating the role of solid-solid interface energy on crack propagation
Numerical Solution of Hydrodynamic Efficiency Equations for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Using the Method of Fundamental Solutions
Numerical Solution of Hydrodynamic Efficiency Equations for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Using the Method of Fundamental Solutions
Investigation of the effect of polarization between a solvated biomolecule and solvent on the biomolecule ionization energy using the SAC-CI method in the ONIOM scheme: Ascorbic acid in water