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Modeling and experimental studies on chemical absorption of ammonia emitted from poultry manure during the drying process by a wet spray scrubber: Optimization by Box-Behnken design
Modeling and experimental studies on chemical absorption of ammonia emitted from poultry manure during the drying process by a wet spray scrubber: Optimization by Box-Behnken design
Experimental and numerical study of mode I interlaminar behavior of carbon nanotube reinforced glass-epoxy composite: A multiscale approach
Evaluating drought monitoring utility of the top-down and bottom-up satellite precipitation products over mainland China from a three-dimensional perspective
Numerical and experimental studies on a new metallic-yielding pistonic damper based on pure-bending flexural yielding mechanism
Evaluation of management scenarios for land subsidence reduction and groundwater rehabilitation in Damane-Daran plain, Iran
Preparation of an anti-bacterial CuO-containing polyurea-formaldehyde/linseed oil self-healing coating
Preparation of an anti-bacterial CuO-containing polyurea-formaldehyde/linseed oil self-healing coating
The dynamic analysis of axisymmetric bodies with damping effects using the modified radial integration boundary elements method (MRIBEM)
The dynamic analysis of axisymmetric bodies with damping effects using the modified radial integration boundary elements method (MRIBEM)
Habitat in flames: How climate change will affect fire risk across koala forests
Enhanced antibacterial properties and magnetic removal of Fe3O4/fenugreek seed gum/silver nanocomposites for water treatment
Enhanced antibacterial properties and magnetic removal of Fe3O4/fenugreek seed gum/silver nanocomposites for water treatment
A general gas-dependent resistivity model for metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors considering the kinetics of charge transfer on the surface
Photoelectrodes based on selenium-polypyrrole-vanadium pentoxide nanowire films for high-performance lightweight symmetric photo-supercapacitors: A flexible photo-rechargeable electrical energy storage device