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Oil Content and Fatty Acids Composition in Brassica Species
Oil Content and Fatty Acids Composition in Brassica Species
Finite Element modeling of Microwave-Assisted Hot Press process in a multimode furnace
A new hybrid algorithm for the balanced transportation problem
A new hybrid algorithm for the balanced transportation problem
Preparation of agar nanospheres Comparison of response surface and artificial neural network modeling by a genetic algorithm approach
Vibro-fluidized bed heat pump drying of mint leaves with respect to phenolic content antioxidant activity and color indices
Vibro-fluidized bed heat pump drying of mint leaves with respect to phenolic content antioxidant activity and color indices
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity in Eight Achillea Species
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity in Eight Achillea Species
Interaction of Phase Transformations and Plasticity at the Nanoscale Phase Field Approach
An experimental study on the effect of ultrasonication on thermal conductivity of ferrofluid loaded with carbon nanotubes
An experimental study on the effect of ultrasonication on thermal conductivity of ferrofluid loaded with carbon nanotubes
A novel approach to 6-DOF adaptive trajectory tracking control of an AUV in the presence of parameter uncertainties
Effect of feeding greater amounts of dietary energy for a short-term with or without eCG injection on reproductive performance serum metabolites and hormones in ewes