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Cost-effective evaluation of modified ochre soil and its combination with cationic polyacrylamide for municipal wastewater sludge conditioning
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Novel feature extraction in laser light backscattering imaging for real-time monitoring of quince moisture content during hot-air drying
Efficiency of MGDA and GLDA ligands in extracting plant-available Zn from calcareous soils: kinetics and optimization of extraction conditions
Efficiency of MGDA and GLDA ligands in extracting plant-available Zn from calcareous soils: kinetics and optimization of extraction conditions
Efficiency of MGDA and GLDA ligands in extracting plant-available Zn from calcareous soils: kinetics and optimization of extraction conditions
Responses of soil-inhabiting mesostigmatid mites to deforestation and disturbance in oak (Quercus brontii) forests of southwestern Iran
Responses of soil-inhabiting mesostigmatid mites to deforestation and disturbance in oak (Quercus brontii) forests of southwestern Iran
Water Stress Intensified the Relation of Seed Color with Lignan Content and Seed Yield Components in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Water Stress Intensified the Relation of Seed Color with Lignan Content and Seed Yield Components in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Water Stress Intensified the Relation of Seed Color with Lignan Content and Seed Yield Components in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Effects of Serendipita indica inoculation of four wheat cultivars on hydraulic properties and aggregate stability of a calcareous soil
Effects of Serendipita indica inoculation of four wheat cultivars on hydraulic properties and aggregate stability of a calcareous soil
Water Stress and Seed Color Interacting to Impact Seed and Oil Yield, Protein, Mucilage, and Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside Content in Cultivated Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.).