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Salinity tolerance of bermudagerass (Cynodon spp. L. C. Rich) cultivars and shoot Na and Cl contents under a high saline environment
Salinity tolerance of bermudagerass (Cynodon spp. L. C. Rich) cultivars and shoot Na and Cl contents under a high saline environment
Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of salt tolerance in bread wheat plants based on ion contents and biological yield
Nuclear and cytoplasmic inheritance of salt tolerance in bread wheat plants based on ion contents and biological yield
Genetic Algorithm Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Moisture and Oil Content of Pretreated Fried Mushroom
The effect of CaF2 content in hot metal pretreatment flux based on lime
The effect of CaF2 content in hot metal pretreatment flux based on lime
Physico-mechanical properties of rough rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain as affected by variety and moisture content
Physico-mechanical properties of rough rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain as affected by variety and moisture content
Developing Al2O3-TiC in-situ nanocomposite by SHS and analyzing the effects of Al content and mechanical activation on microstructure
Developing Al2O3-TiC in-situ nanocomposite by SHS and analyzing the effects of Al content and mechanical activation on microstructure
Physical properties of two rough rice varieties affected by moisture content
Physical properties of two rough rice varieties affected by moisture content
Combustion synthesis of Fe-Al/TiC composite powders and effect of Al content on its characteristics
Combustion synthesis of Fe-Al/TiC composite powders and effect of Al content on its characteristics