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Genetic analysis of seed yield and oil content in safflower using F1 and F2 progenies of diallel crosses
Genetic analysis of seed yield and oil content in safflower using F1 and F2 progenies of diallel crosses
AC-susceptibility measuerments of Cu1-x TlxBa2Ca3Cu4 O12-alfa superconductor thin films with different thallium content.
Oill content and fatty acid composition in seed of three safflower species
Oill content and fatty acid composition in seed of three safflower species
Oill content and fatty acid composition in seed of three safflower species
Estimation of Osmotic Suction from Electrical Conductivity and Water Content Measurements in Unsaturated Soils
Prediction of H2 Content and Inert Gas Circulation Rate Effects on Batch Annealing Process
Cropping System Effects on Carbohydrate Content and Water-Stable Aggregates in a Calcareous Soil of Central Iran
Cropping System Effects on Carbohydrate Content and Water-Stable Aggregates in a Calcareous Soil of Central Iran
Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Seeds of Three Safflower Species
Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition in Seeds of Three Safflower Species
Vertical airflow resistance of chickpea (C. arietinum) cultivars as affected by bulk density and moisture content
effect of extruded cotton seed and canola seed on carcass traits and CLA content of longissimus dorsi muscle in mehraban lambs
The effect of microsilica and refractory cement content on the properties of andalusite based low cement castables used in aluminum casthouse