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Integrating auxiliary data and geophysical techniques for the estimation of soil clay content using CHAID algorithm
Prediction of soil surface salinity in arid region of central Iran using auxiliary variables and genetic programming
Using magnetic susceptibility to discriminate between soil moisture regimes in selected loess and loess-like soils in northern Iran
Using magnetic susceptibility to discriminate between soil moisture regimes in selected loess and loess-like soils in northern Iran
Dynamic responses of structure-soil-structure systems with an extension of the equivalent linear soil modeling
Dynamic responses of structure-soil-structure systems with an extension of the equivalent linear soil modeling
Using maize (Zea mays L.) and sewage sludge to remediate a petroleum contaminated calcareous soil
Role of fungal endophyte of tall fescue (Epichlo coenophiala) on water availability wilting point and integral energy in texturally-different soils
Role of fungal endophyte of tall fescue (Epichlo coenophiala) on water availability wilting point and integral energy in texturally-different soils
Role of fungal endophyte of tall fescue (Epichlo coenophiala) on water availability wilting point and integral energy in texturally-different soils
Investigation of high temperature wear resistance of electroless nickel coating with different contents of phosphorous
Copper and Zinc Uptake by Celery Plants Grown on Acidic Soil Amended with Biosolids
Weathering and soils formation on different parent materials in Golestan province northern Iran
Site selection for Haloxylon ammodendron plantation based on soil factors
Site selection for Haloxylon ammodendron plantation based on soil factors