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An investigation into influence of physical and chemical surface modification of macro-polypropylene fibers on properties of cementitious composites
An investigation into influence of physical and chemical surface modification of macro-polypropylene fibers on properties of cementitious composites
An investigation into influence of physical and chemical surface modification of macro-polypropylene fibers on properties of cementitious composites
Effects of rosemary essential oil on growth performance and hematological parameters of young great sturgeon (Huso huso)
Durability of concrete containing recycled concrete coarse and fine aggregates and milled waste glass in magnesium sulfate environment
Effects of high-temperature exposure on concrete containing waste porcelain coarse aggregates and steel chips
A novel in silico platform for a fully automatic personalized brain tumor growth
Surface modified Ti6Al4V for enhanced bone bonding ability - Effects of silver and corrosivity at simulated physiological conditions from a corrosion and metal release perspective
Characterization of interfacial interactions and emulsification properties of bicarbonate solutions and crude oil and the effects of temperature and pressure
Characterization of interfacial interactions and emulsification properties of bicarbonate solutions and crude oil and the effects of temperature and pressure
3D-Focused ion beam tomography and quantitative porosity evaluation of ZrO2-SiO2 composite coating; amorphous SiO2 as a porosity tailoring agent
3D-Focused ion beam tomography and quantitative porosity evaluation of ZrO2-SiO2 composite coating; amorphous SiO2 as a porosity tailoring agent
3D-Focused ion beam tomography and quantitative porosity evaluation of ZrO2-SiO2 composite coating; amorphous SiO2 as a porosity tailoring agent
Incorporation of zein nanofibers produced by needle-less electrospinning within the casted gelatin film for improvement of its physical properties
Incorporation of zein nanofibers produced by needle-less electrospinning within the casted gelatin film for improvement of its physical properties