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A level-set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation with application to breast thermography images
A level-set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation with application to breast thermography images
A level-set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation with application to breast thermography images
A level-set method for inhomogeneous image segmentation with application to breast thermography images
Context-aware saliency detection for image retargeting using convolutional neural networks
Context-aware saliency detection for image retargeting using convolutional neural networks
Developing a deformable model of liver tumor during breathing to improve targeting accuracy in image-guided therapy using finite element simulation
A novel self-seeding method for particle image velocimetry measurements of subsonic and supersonic flows
Derivation of digital terrain models and morphological parameters from very high resolution satellite images
Simplification of neural networks for skin lesion image segmentation using color channel pruning
Simplification of neural networks for skin lesion image segmentation using color channel pruning
Classification of some Iranian Vicia species using SEM image analysis coupled with conventional texture analysis and deep learning
Classification of some Iranian Vicia species using SEM image analysis coupled with conventional texture analysis and deep learning
Classification of some Iranian Vicia species using SEM image analysis coupled with conventional texture analysis and deep learning
Fertility detection of unincubated chicken eggs by hyperspectral transmission imaging in the Vis-SWNIR region