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Microstructure and hot tensile behavior of Hastelloy X superalloy laser powder-bed fusion-fabricated through different scanning patterns
Microstructure and hot tensile behavior of Hastelloy X superalloy laser powder-bed fusion-fabricated through different scanning patterns
Microstructure and hot tensile behavior of Hastelloy X superalloy laser powder-bed fusion-fabricated through different scanning patterns
Microstructure and hot tensile behavior of Hastelloy X superalloy laser powder-bed fusion-fabricated through different scanning patterns
Hierarchical design of intelligent ?-MnO2-based theranostics nanoplatform for TME-activated drug delivery and T1-weighted MRI
Graphene coated copper in a one-year atmospheric corrosion and color preserving challenge
Graphene coated copper in a one-year atmospheric corrosion and color preserving challenge
Knock probability determination in a turbocharged gasoline engine through exhaust gas temperature and artificial neural network
In vitro corrosion and biocompatibility behavior of CoCrMo alloy manufactured by laser powder bed fusion parallel and perpendicular to the build direction
The effects of filler metal and butter layer on the microstructure and mechanical properties of API 5L X65/AISI 304L joint
The effects of filler metal and butter layer on the microstructure and mechanical properties of API 5L X65/AISI 304L joint
Optimal control of nonlinear fractional order delay systems governed by Fredholm integral equations based on a new fractional derivative operator
Design and fabrication of MOF-derived leaf-like Zn-Co-S nanosheet arrays decorated with Ni-Zn-P ultrathin nanostructure for hybrid supercapacitors
Design and fabrication of MOF-derived leaf-like Zn-Co-S nanosheet arrays decorated with Ni-Zn-P ultrathin nanostructure for hybrid supercapacitors
Design and fabrication of MOF-derived leaf-like Zn-Co-S nanosheet arrays decorated with Ni-Zn-P ultrathin nanostructure for hybrid supercapacitors