Course Description
Overview basic concepts of Green's function and its application in weighted residual method, Conceptual comparsion of boundary element method and finite element method, Direct and indirect integral formulation of boundary integral, Converting domain integrals into boundary integrals, The Green's function for 2D and 3D potential problems, The Green's function for 2D and 3D elastic problems, Symmetric galerkin boundary element method, Boundary element method for problems with sharp corners, The solution of elastodynamic problems in frequency and time domains based upon boundry element method, BEM for plate bending analysis, The solution of geotechniacl problems, Combination of BEM and FEM, Application of appropriate software programs.
- Aliabadi, M. H. (2002). The boundary element method, volume 2: applications in solids and structures (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.
- Sutradhar, A., Paulino, G., & Gray, L. J. (2008). Symmetric Galerkin boundary element method. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Katsikadelis, J. T. (2014). The boundary element method for plate analysis. Elsevier.
- Beer, G., Smith, I., & Duenser, C. (2008). The boundary element method with programming: for engineers and scientists. Springer Science & Business Media.