International Conference Papers |
20. E. Bagheri, P. Mosaddegh," Preparation of Hydrophobic Acrylic Foldable Intraocular Lens for Cataract Surgery", 15th International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, ISPST 2022, 8-10 November 2022, Isfahan, Iran. |
19. S. Siahtiri, P. Mosaddegh, A. Mohammadi, " Evaluation the Effect of Ultrasonic Welding Parameters on the Welding Quality of Thermoplastics, an Experimental Study", The 7th International and 18th National Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICME2022, 2-3 March 2022, Tehran, Iran |
18. S. Hassanzadeh, F. Goudarzian, P. Mosaddegh, "Developing an Optimized Design of Bioreactors as In-vitro destructive constructs Used for Investigating Cardiovascular Stents Degradation", The 6th International and 17th National Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICME2021, 2-4 March 2021, Tehran, Iran. |
17- E. Bagheri, M. A. Hassannia, H. Rahnama, P. Mosaddegh, T. Behzad, "Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Oriented Polylactic acid/Graphene oxide Nanocomposite Films", The 6th International and 17th National Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICME2021, 2-4 March 2021, Tehran, Iran. |
16- E. Bagheri, P. Mosaddegh and T. Behzad, "Effect of Halloysite Addition on Properties of Poly (Lactic Acid)- based Nanocomposites", The 6th International Conference on Composites: Charactrization, Fabrication abd Application (CCFA-6), Dec. 11-12, 2018, Tehran, Iran. |
15- A. Ebrahimian, P. Mosaddegh, " Finite Element Analysis for Ring Implantation for Keratoconic Cornea Treatment", ISME2017, 2-4 May, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. |
14- A. Ebrahimian, P. Mosaddegh, " Neural Network Analysis for Prediction of Material Property in Human Eye with Keratoconic Cornea", ISME2017, 2-4 May, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. |
13- P. Mosaddegh, R. Koosha, A. Fadaei Tehrani, "Optimizing Computer Controlled-Polishing of Flat Surfaces", ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2014, June 25-27, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
12- M. Ghobadnam, P. Mosaddegh, N. Namdari, M. Masoomi, A. Ghaei, "Thermo-mechanical Charactrization of High Impact Polystyrene Sheets Using Uniaxial Stress Relaxation Tests", The Bi-annual International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics, X-Mech 2014, Feb 2014, Tehran, Iran. |
11- B. Gleason, P. Mosaddegh, P. Watchel, J.D. Musgraves, K. Richardson, "Using Design of Experiments to Improve Precision Molding of Chalcogenides" SPIE-Optifab 2011, Rochester, NY. |
10- B. Gleason, P. Mosaddegh, P. Watchel, J.D. Musgraves, K. Richardson, "An Introduction to the Dyna Technologies Inc. Precision Molding Machine", SPIE-Optifab 2011, Rochester, NY. |
9- P. Mosaddegh, B. Gleason, P. Watchel, .D. Musgraves, K. Richardson,"Sensitivity Analysis on Process Parameters to Press Glass Windows in a Bench-Top Precision Glass Molding Machine" SPIE-Optifab 2011, Rochester, NY. |
8- C. Ostrouchov, P. Mosaddegh, J. Ziegert, J.D. Musgraves, P. Joseph, D. Joshi, P. Watchel, K. Richardson., "A combined Numerical and Experimental Approah to Measuring Gap Conductance for Precision Glass Molding", Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2011, MS and T'11, Oct. 2011, PP. 1729-1736, Columbus, OH. |
7- P. Mosaddegh, J.C. Ziegert, Y. Tohme, “Friction Measurement in Precision Glass Molding”, ASPE 2010, Nov. 2010, Atlanta, GA. |
6- P. Wachtel, P. Mosaddegh, B. Gleason, J.D. Musgraves, K.A. Richardson, and B. Dubas, H. Painter, “Bench-Top Precision Glass Molding Machine” ASPE 2010, Nov. 2010, Atlanta, GA. |
5- P. Mosaddegh and D.C. Angstadt, “Viscoelasticity effects of polymeric material in micro injection molding” MSEC2008, Oct. 2008, Chicago, IL |
4- P. Mosaddegh and D.C. Angstadt, “Micro-feature replication of cyclic olefin copolymer at elevated mold temperature” ANTEC2008, May 2008, Milwaukee, WI. |
3- V. Thakur, P. Mosaddegh, D.C. Angstadt, “Micro-feature replication via polymer molding at ambient pressure” MSEC2007, Oct. 2007, Atlanta, GA. |
2- M.R. Movahhedy, P. Mosaddegh, “A study of gyroscopic effects on stability of high speed milling” IMECE2005, Feb. 2005 Orlando, FL. |
1- M.R. Movahhedy, P. Mosaddegh, “Dynamic analysis of machine tools spindle in high speed machining” SMEIR2004, March, 2004, Tehran, IR (In Farsi language). |