Journal Papers

Bibliography of Journal Articles
45. E. Bagheri, H. Rahnama, M.A. Hassannia, T. Behzad, P. Mosaddegh, "Oriented polylactic acid/graphene oxide nanocomposites with high mechanical and thermal properties", Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, (2023).
44. V. Yaghoubi, H. setayeshnasab, P. Mosaddegh, M. Kadkhodaei, " A Stochastic Approach to Estimate Intraocular Pressure and Dynamic Corneal Responses of the Cornea", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2022). 
43. N. Mohammadi, M. Kadkhodaei, S. Pirhadi, P. Mosaddegh, "Effects of intracorneal ring segments implementation technique and design on corneal biomechanics and keratometry in a personalized computational analysis", Scientific Reports., (2021) 11:14433.
42. A. Barani, P. Mosaddegh, S. Haghjoo, S. Sepehri Rahnema, " Designing and manufacturing of a 2-node acoustofluidic microchannel" Accepted, Modares Mechanical Engineering, July 2021.
41. N. Mohammadi, P. Mosaddegh, M. Kadkhodaei, "Effects of intracorneal ring segments on the biomechanical response of the ‎ectatic cornea to air-puff: a patient-specific numerical analysis", Accepted, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, June 2021.
40. M. soleimani, E. Bagheri, P. Mosaddegh, T. Rabiee, A. Fakhar, M. Sadeghi, " Stable waterborn epoxy smulsions and the effect of silica naoparticles on their caoting properties", Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 156, July 2021, 106250.
39. S. Khalaj Amnieh, M. Mashayekhi, E. Shahnooshi, M. Tavafoghi, P. Mosaddegh, "Biodegradable Performance of PLA Stents Affected by Geometrical Parameters: The Risk of Fracture and Fragment Separation", accepted, Journal of Biomechanics, April 2021.
38. S. Khalaj Amnieh, P. Mosaddegh, M. Mashayekhi, M. Kharaziha, " Biodegradation evaluation of poly (lactic acid) for stent application: Role of mechanical tension and temperature" accepted, Journal of applied polymer Science, Dec. 2020.
37. E. Bagheri, P. Mosaddegh, T. Behzad, "Mechanical, thermal and structural properties of uniaxially drawn polylactic acid/halloysite nanocomposites", accepted, Journal of applied polymer science, Febrauray 2020.
36. H. Barghikar, P. Mosaddegh, M. Masoumi, M. Ranjbar, "The effect of packing phase and mold temperature on the directional warpage of spherical lenses using the injection molding process", SN applied Sciences, 2019, 1:598.
35- F. Baradaran, P. Mosaddegh, R. Tikani, "Stress and Vibrational Analysis of Non-Pneumatic Tire (Tweel) and Study the Effect of the Spoke Curvature and Velocity on the Wheel Vibration Using Finite Element Method", Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Acceted, 2019 (in persian).
34- N. Namdari, P. Mosaddegh, "Experimental and simulation studies on the mold replicability in the thermoforming process", Journal of Polymer Engineering,, 2019
33- A. Ebrahimian, P. Mosaddegh, N. Mohammadi Bagheri, S. Pirhadi, "A simple numerical approach to mimic MyOring surgery in keratoconous corneas based on optical coherence tomography", EC Ophtholmology, 10.5 (2019), 345-356.
32- O. Izadi, P. Mosaddegh, "Experimental and simulation study on the warpage of polyamide 6 based on thermo-mechanical behavior of material using uniaxial tensile test", Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Acceted, 2019,(in persian).
31- H. Barghikar, P. Mosaddegh, " Experimental and simulation study on the optimum of the geometrical quality of bi-convex abd bi-concave lenses produced by injection molding process", Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41:24, 2019.
30- P. Mosaddegh, S. Akbarzadeh, H. Reiszadeh, M. Zarei, "On the Tribological Behavior of BK7 Optical Glass at Elevated Temperatures", Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019, 233(4) 580-592.
29- M. Maleki, M. Farzin, P. Mosaddegh, "Investigation of Mechanical, Thermal and Recycled Characteristics of Reinforced Ternary Blends of LDPE/LLDPE/HDPE by ANOVA", Journal of Matrials Research Express, 5(2018) 065305.
28- O. Izadi, M. Silani, P. Mosaddegh, M. Farzin, "Warpage and bending behavior of polymer-metal hybrids: experimental and numerical simulation", Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 98: 873-885.
27- M. Jannesari, M. Kadkhodaei, P. Mosaddegh, M. Jabbarvan, H. Kasprzak, " Assessment of Corneal and Fatty Tissues Biomechanical Response in Dynamic Tonometry Tests by Using Inverse Models" Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics, 2018;20(1):39-48.
26- H. Barghikar, P. Mosaddegh, M. Ranjbar, M. Masoumi, " Investigation and simulation of geometric and optical quality for bi-convex lens produced by injection molding process", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol (17), No. 12, pp. 21-32, 2018  (In Persion).
25- M. Janneasari, P. Mosaddegh, M. Kadkhodaei, H. T. Kasprzak, M. Jabbarvand, "Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Material Model of the Cornea: Differentattion between Hyperelasticity and Viscoelasticity", Journal of Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2019-23: 373-384.

24- O. Izadi, P. Mosaddegh, M. Silani, M. Dinari "An experimental study on mechanical properties of a novel hybrid metal–polymer joining technology based on a reaction between isocyanate and hydroxyl groups" Journal of manufacturing processes, 30(2017), 217-225.

23- S. KhalajAmnieh, P. Mosaddegh, A. Fadaei Tehrani, "Study on Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of Spiral Grooves inside of Aluminium Cylinders", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.91, Issue 5-8, 2885-2894, 2017.
22- F. Zare, M. Jannesari, M. Kadkhodaei, P. Mosaddegh, "Thermomechanical modeling and experimental investigation of transformation-induced creep and stress relaxation in shape memory alloy wires" Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X16666175
21- A. Barani, H. Paktinat, M. Janmaleki, A. Mohammadi, P. Mosaddegh, A. Fadaei-Tehrani, A. Sanati-Nezhad, "Microfluidic integrated acoustic waving for manipulation of cells and molecules", Biosensors and bioelectronics, 85 (2016), 714-725.
20- A. Omidvar, P. Mosaddegh, H. Bahadoran, "Fabrication of metal-polymer hybrid via injection molding of polymer on laser cladded metal" Modares Mechanical Engineering, vol. 99, No. 9, pp 1-11(in persian)
19- M. Danesh, S. Akbarzadeh, P. Mosaddegh, M. Parsa, " A parametric study on the sub-surface stresses in spur gear under mixed-lubrication regime using load-sharing and finite element simulation" International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol 1 (3), pp 81-88.
18- M. Khaleghi, M. Mashayekhi, P. Mosaddegh, "Modeling of Thermoforming Process of High Impact Polystyrene", Iranian Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 31-38, 2015.
17- A. Shafiee, P. Mosaddegh, S. Bashash, N. Jalili," Study of cross-coupling effect in pizo-flextural nanopositioning stage"., Modares Mechanical Engineering, vol. 14, No. 2, pp 1-8(in persian).
16- M. Ghobadnam, P. Mosaddegh, M. Rezaeirejani, H. Amirabadi, A. Ghaei, " Numerical and Experimental Analysis of HIPS Sheet in Thermoforming Process", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, accepted 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6329-y.
15- H Hashemi, P. Mosaddegh, R. Koosha " Polishing of Spherical lenses Using Spherical Tools on a 3-Axis CNC Machine" Journal of Modares Mechanical Engineering accepted, 2014,

14- R. Koosha, P. Mosaddegh, “Open Loop Fuzzy Optimizer for Computer Control Polishing” International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol 2 (3), pp 105-110 , December 2015.

13- S. Khalaj Amineh, A. Fadaei Tehrani, P. Mosaddegh, A. Mohammadi," A comprehensive experimental study on finishing Aluminum tube by proposed UAMAF process", Journal of Material and manufacturing process, accepted 2014, DOI:10.1080/10426914.2014.965319.
12- A. Bahramighahnavieh, S. Akbarzadeh, P. Mosaddegh," A numerical study on the performance of straight bevel gears operating mixed lubrication regime", Journal of mechanism and machine theory, Vol. 75, May 2014, pp. 27-40.
11- G. H. Abotalebian, P. Mosaddegh, M. Moradi, "Investigation of the rod compression test and simulation study of 6061 Aluminum alloy in the semi-solid state", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 45, 7(2014)DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2259-4.
10- A. Bahramighahnavieh, P. Mosaddegh, S. Akbarzadeh," Investigation of Hertzian stress distribution on the surface of straight bevel gear", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 307 (2013), pp 304-307.
9- S. Khalaj Amineh, A. Fadaei Tehrani, P. Mosaddegh, A. Mohammadi, E Saeedi," Improving the Surface Quality using Combined Ultrasonic Vibration and Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Method", Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol 14, No. 2 (2013), pp. 37-49.
8- P. Mosaddegh, J. Ziegert," The effect of temperature on the stick-slip friction behavior of optical glasses in precision glass molding", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 307 (2013), pp 381-386.

7- D. Joshi, P. Mosaddegh, J.D. Musgraves, K.C. Richardson, P.F. Joseph, “Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Glass at High Temperature Using the Cylinder Compression Test: Part II – No-Slip Experiments, Viscoelastic Constants and Sensitivity,” journal of Rheology, 57, 1391 (2013); doi: 10.1122/1.4817435.

6- D. Joshi, P. Mosaddegh, J.D. Musgraves, K.C. Richardson, P.F. Joseph, “Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Glass at High Temperature Using the Cylinder Compression Test: Part I –Viscoelasticity, Friction and PPV” Journal of rheology, 57, 1367 (2013); doi: 10.1122/1.4817434.
5- P. Wachtel, P. Mosaddegh, B. Gleason, J. David Musgraves, K. Richardson, “Performance Evaluation of a Bench-top Precision Glass Molding Machine”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 178680, 12 pages
4- P. Mosaddegh and, J. Ziegert “Friction measurement in precision glass molding; an experimental study”, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 357 (2011) pp. 3221-3225
3- P. Mosaddegh, Yazid Tohme, Waqas Iqbal, John Ziegert “Apparatus for high temperature friction measurement”, Journal of Precision Engineering, 2011, V35, pp. 473-483.
2- P. Mosaddegh, David C. Angstadt, “Micron and sub-micron feature replication of amorphous polymers at elevated mold temperature without externally applied pressure” Journal of Microsystem and Microengineering, (18), 2008 , 10pp.
1- M. R. Movahhedy, P. Mosaddegh, “Prediction of chatter in high speed milling including gyroscopic effects” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2005, V46, pp. 996-1001.