Bibliography of Journal Articles |
45. E. Bagheri, H. Rahnama, M.A. Hassannia, T. Behzad, P. Mosaddegh, "Oriented polylactic acid/graphene oxide nanocomposites with high mechanical and thermal properties", Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, (2023). |
44. V. Yaghoubi, H. setayeshnasab, P. Mosaddegh, M. Kadkhodaei, " A Stochastic Approach to Estimate Intraocular Pressure and Dynamic Corneal Responses of the Cornea", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, (2022). |
43. N. Mohammadi, M. Kadkhodaei, S. Pirhadi, P. Mosaddegh, "Effects of intracorneal ring segments implementation technique and design on corneal biomechanics and keratometry in a personalized computational analysis", Scientific Reports., (2021) 11:14433. |
42. A. Barani, P. Mosaddegh, S. Haghjoo, S. Sepehri Rahnema, " Designing and manufacturing of a 2-node acoustofluidic microchannel" Accepted, Modares Mechanical Engineering, July 2021. |
41. N. Mohammadi, P. Mosaddegh, M. Kadkhodaei, "Effects of intracorneal ring segments on the biomechanical response of the ectatic cornea to air-puff: a patient-specific numerical analysis", Accepted, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, June 2021. |
40. M. soleimani, E. Bagheri, P. Mosaddegh, T. Rabiee, A. Fakhar, M. Sadeghi, " Stable waterborn epoxy smulsions and the effect of silica naoparticles on their caoting properties", Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 156, July 2021, 106250. |
39. S. Khalaj Amnieh, M. Mashayekhi, E. Shahnooshi, M. Tavafoghi, P. Mosaddegh, "Biodegradable Performance of PLA Stents Affected by Geometrical Parameters: The Risk of Fracture and Fragment Separation", accepted, Journal of Biomechanics, April 2021. |
38. S. Khalaj Amnieh, P. Mosaddegh, M. Mashayekhi, M. Kharaziha, " Biodegradation evaluation of poly (lactic acid) for stent application: Role of mechanical tension and temperature" accepted, Journal of applied polymer Science, Dec. 2020. |
37. E. Bagheri, P. Mosaddegh, T. Behzad, "Mechanical, thermal and structural properties of uniaxially drawn polylactic acid/halloysite nanocomposites", accepted, Journal of applied polymer science, Febrauray 2020. |
36. H. Barghikar, P. Mosaddegh, M. Masoumi, M. Ranjbar, "The effect of packing phase and mold temperature on the directional warpage of spherical lenses using the injection molding process", SN applied Sciences, 2019, 1:598. |
35- F. Baradaran, P. Mosaddegh, R. Tikani, "Stress and Vibrational Analysis of Non-Pneumatic Tire (Tweel) and Study the Effect of the Spoke Curvature and Velocity on the Wheel Vibration Using Finite Element Method", Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Acceted, 2019 (in persian). |
34- N. Namdari, P. Mosaddegh, "Experimental and simulation studies on the mold replicability in the thermoforming process", Journal of Polymer Engineering,, 2019 |
33- A. Ebrahimian, P. Mosaddegh, N. Mohammadi Bagheri, S. Pirhadi, "A simple numerical approach to mimic MyOring surgery in keratoconous corneas based on optical coherence tomography", EC Ophtholmology, 10.5 (2019), 345-356. |
32- O. Izadi, P. Mosaddegh, "Experimental and simulation study on the warpage of polyamide 6 based on thermo-mechanical behavior of material using uniaxial tensile test", Amirkabir Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Acceted, 2019,(in persian). |
31- H. Barghikar, P. Mosaddegh, " Experimental and simulation study on the optimum of the geometrical quality of bi-convex abd bi-concave lenses produced by injection molding process", Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 41:24, 2019. |
30- P. Mosaddegh, S. Akbarzadeh, H. Reiszadeh, M. Zarei, "On the Tribological Behavior of BK7 Optical Glass at Elevated Temperatures", Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2019, 233(4) 580-592. |
29- M. Maleki, M. Farzin, P. Mosaddegh, "Investigation of Mechanical, Thermal and Recycled Characteristics of Reinforced Ternary Blends of LDPE/LLDPE/HDPE by ANOVA", Journal of Matrials Research Express, 5(2018) 065305. |
28- O. Izadi, M. Silani, P. Mosaddegh, M. Farzin, "Warpage and bending behavior of polymer-metal hybrids: experimental and numerical simulation", Journal of Advance Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 98: 873-885. |
27- M. Jannesari, M. Kadkhodaei, P. Mosaddegh, M. Jabbarvan, H. Kasprzak, " Assessment of Corneal and Fatty Tissues Biomechanical Response in Dynamic Tonometry Tests by Using Inverse Models" Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics, 2018;20(1):39-48. |
26- H. Barghikar, P. Mosaddegh, M. Ranjbar, M. Masoumi, " Investigation and simulation of geometric and optical quality for bi-convex lens produced by injection molding process", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol (17), No. 12, pp. 21-32, 2018 (In Persion). |
25- M. Janneasari, P. Mosaddegh, M. Kadkhodaei, H. T. Kasprzak, M. Jabbarvand, "Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Material Model of the Cornea: Differentattion between Hyperelasticity and Viscoelasticity", Journal of Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2019-23: 373-384. |
24- O. Izadi, P. Mosaddegh, M. Silani, M. Dinari "An experimental study on mechanical properties of a novel hybrid metal–polymer joining technology based on a reaction between isocyanate and hydroxyl groups" Journal of manufacturing processes, 30(2017), 217-225. |
23- S. KhalajAmnieh, P. Mosaddegh, A. Fadaei Tehrani, "Study on Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of Spiral Grooves inside of Aluminium Cylinders", Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.91, Issue 5-8, 2885-2894, 2017. |
22- F. Zare, M. Jannesari, M. Kadkhodaei, P. Mosaddegh, "Thermomechanical modeling and experimental investigation of transformation-induced creep and stress relaxation in shape memory alloy wires" Journal of intelligent material systems and structures, DOI: 10.1177/1045389X16666175 |
21- A. Barani, H. Paktinat, M. Janmaleki, A. Mohammadi, P. Mosaddegh, A. Fadaei-Tehrani, A. Sanati-Nezhad, "Microfluidic integrated acoustic waving for manipulation of cells and molecules", Biosensors and bioelectronics, 85 (2016), 714-725. |
20- A. Omidvar, P. Mosaddegh, H. Bahadoran, "Fabrication of metal-polymer hybrid via injection molding of polymer on laser cladded metal" Modares Mechanical Engineering, vol. 99, No. 9, pp 1-11(in persian) |
19- M. Danesh, S. Akbarzadeh, P. Mosaddegh, M. Parsa, " A parametric study on the sub-surface stresses in spur gear under mixed-lubrication regime using load-sharing and finite element simulation" International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol 1 (3), pp 81-88. |
18- M. Khaleghi, M. Mashayekhi, P. Mosaddegh, "Modeling of Thermoforming Process of High Impact Polystyrene", Iranian Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 31-38, 2015. |
17- A. Shafiee, P. Mosaddegh, S. Bashash, N. Jalili," Study of cross-coupling effect in pizo-flextural nanopositioning stage"., Modares Mechanical Engineering, vol. 14, No. 2, pp 1-8(in persian). |
16- M. Ghobadnam, P. Mosaddegh, M. Rezaeirejani, H. Amirabadi, A. Ghaei, " Numerical and Experimental Analysis of HIPS Sheet in Thermoforming Process", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, accepted 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6329-y. |
15- H Hashemi, P. Mosaddegh, R. Koosha " Polishing of Spherical lenses Using Spherical Tools on a 3-Axis CNC Machine" Journal of Modares Mechanical Engineering accepted, 2014, |
14- R. Koosha, P. Mosaddegh, “Open Loop Fuzzy Optimizer for Computer Control Polishing” International Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol 2 (3), pp 105-110 , December 2015. |
13- S. Khalaj Amineh, A. Fadaei Tehrani, P. Mosaddegh, A. Mohammadi," A comprehensive experimental study on finishing Aluminum tube by proposed UAMAF process", Journal of Material and manufacturing process, accepted 2014, DOI:10.1080/10426914.2014.965319. |
12- A. Bahramighahnavieh, S. Akbarzadeh, P. Mosaddegh," A numerical study on the performance of straight bevel gears operating mixed lubrication regime", Journal of mechanism and machine theory, Vol. 75, May 2014, pp. 27-40. |
11- G. H. Abotalebian, P. Mosaddegh, M. Moradi, "Investigation of the rod compression test and simulation study of 6061 Aluminum alloy in the semi-solid state", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 45, 7(2014)DOI: 10.1007/s11661-014-2259-4. |
10- A. Bahramighahnavieh, P. Mosaddegh, S. Akbarzadeh," Investigation of Hertzian stress distribution on the surface of straight bevel gear", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 307 (2013), pp 304-307. |
9- S. Khalaj Amineh, A. Fadaei Tehrani, P. Mosaddegh, A. Mohammadi, E Saeedi," Improving the Surface Quality using Combined Ultrasonic Vibration and Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Method", Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol 14, No. 2 (2013), pp. 37-49. |
8- P. Mosaddegh, J. Ziegert," The effect of temperature on the stick-slip friction behavior of optical glasses in precision glass molding", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 307 (2013), pp 381-386. |
7- D. Joshi, P. Mosaddegh, J.D. Musgraves, K.C. Richardson, P.F. Joseph, “Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Glass at High Temperature Using the Cylinder Compression Test: Part II – No-Slip Experiments, Viscoelastic Constants and Sensitivity,” journal of Rheology, 57, 1391 (2013); doi: 10.1122/1.4817435. |
6- D. Joshi, P. Mosaddegh, J.D. Musgraves, K.C. Richardson, P.F. Joseph, “Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Glass at High Temperature Using the Cylinder Compression Test: Part I –Viscoelasticity, Friction and PPV” Journal of rheology, 57, 1367 (2013); doi: 10.1122/1.4817434. |
5- P. Wachtel, P. Mosaddegh, B. Gleason, J. David Musgraves, K. Richardson, “Performance Evaluation of a Bench-top Precision Glass Molding Machine”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 178680, 12 pages |
4- P. Mosaddegh and, J. Ziegert “Friction measurement in precision glass molding; an experimental study”, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids, 357 (2011) pp. 3221-3225 |
3- P. Mosaddegh, Yazid Tohme, Waqas Iqbal, John Ziegert “Apparatus for high temperature friction measurement”, Journal of Precision Engineering, 2011, V35, pp. 473-483. |
2- P. Mosaddegh, David C. Angstadt, “Micron and sub-micron feature replication of amorphous polymers at elevated mold temperature without externally applied pressure” Journal of Microsystem and Microengineering, (18), 2008 , 10pp. |
1- M. R. Movahhedy, P. Mosaddegh, “Prediction of chatter in high speed milling including gyroscopic effects” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2005, V46, pp. 996-1001. |