Awards and Honors

1) First Class Student of BSc.

2) First Order of MSc Entrance Examination

3) Receipt Honor Scholarship of “Top Student in College of Agric.” from Graduate Students’ Center of Isfahan Univ. Technol.

4) First Class Student of MSc

5) First Order of PhD Entrance Exam

6) Award of 3rd Order in Agricultural Section of 3rd Khwarazmi Youth Festival, Tehran, 2001

7) Award of Brilliant Student of Isfahan Univ. Technol. in University Year 2001-2002

8) Award of Brilliant Scholarship Student of MSRT

9) Award of 2nd Order in Agricultural Section of 5th Khwarazmi Youth Festival, Tehran, 2003

10) Award of Brilliant Student of Isfahan Univ. Technol. in University Year 2002-2003

11) First Researcher of Soil Sci. Dept., Bu-Ali Sina Univ., Year 2005

12) First Teacher of Soil Sci. Dept., Bu-Ali Sina Univ., Year 2005

13) First Researcher of Soil Sci. Dept., Bu-Ali Sina Univ., Year 2007

14) First Teacher of Soil Sci. Dept., Bu-Ali Sina Univ., Year 2008

15) First Researcher of Soil Sci. Dept., Bu-Ali Sina Univ., Year 2008

16) Receipt of Young Scientist Scholarship for Attending 18th International Soil and Tillage Organization (ISTRO) Conference in Izmir, Turkey, 2009 []

17) Best Researcher in Isfahan Province, 2020

18) Highly Cited Researchers 1% (Web of Science), 2021

19) Highly Cited Researchers 1% (Web of Science), 2022