
Referee of National Journals:

Journal of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences and Technology (Isfahan)

Iranian Journal of Soil Research (Tehran)

Agricultural Knowledge Journal (Tabriz)

Journal of New Agricultural Technologies (Zanjan)

Agricultural Research (Water, Soil & Plant in Agriculture) (Hamadan)

Iranian Journal of Applied Ecology

Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research

Iranian Journal of Soil Research

Journal of Soil and Water Research-Mashad

Journal of Water and Soil Conservation

Soil and Water Journal (Tehran)


Referee of International Journals:

Acta Agriculturae: Soil and Plant (Taylor and Francis)

Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier Science)

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (Elsevier Science)

Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (Taylor & Francis)

Arid Land Research and Management (Taylor & Francis)

Biosystems Engineering (Elsevier Science)

Canadian Journal of Soil Science (Canadian Science Publishing)

Catena (Elsevier Science)

Central European Journal of Geosciences

Colloids and Surfaces A - Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Elsevier Science)

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Elsevier Science)

Environment, Development and Sustainability

Environmental Earth Sciences

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer)

Geoderma (Elsevier Science)

International Agrophysics

International Journal of Sediment Research


Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (JAST)

Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier Science)

Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier Science)

Journal of Integrative Agriculture

Journal of Spatial Hydrology

Land Degradation & Development (Wiley InterScience)

Ocean Engineering (Elsevier Science)

Pedosphere (Elsevier Science)

Plant Breeding

Scientia Agricola


Soil & Tillage Research (Elsevier Science)

Soil Research (CSIRO Publishing)

Soil Science Society of America Journal

Vadose Zone Journal

Waste Management & Research

Water Research (Elsevier Science)


Scientific Communication/Cooperation with Soil Scientists around the World:

Prof. A.J. Koolen (Wagenignen University, The Netherlands)

Prof. A.R. Dexter (IUNG, Poland)

Prof. R. Schulin (ETH, Switzerlands)

Prof. L.M. Arya (USA)

Prof. M.B. Kirkham (KSU, USA)

Prof. L.F. DeBano (ASU, USA)

Dr. P. Lerink (Netagco Potato Division, The Netherlands)

Dr. A. Alexandrou (OSU, USA)

Dr. T. Keller (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden)

Dr. A. Unc (NMSU, USA)