
Journal Papers

[1] Mohammadi, A., Tehrani, A.F., Emanian, E. and Karimi, D., "A new approach to surface roughness and roundness improvement in wire electrical discharge turning based on statistical analyses", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 39, No. 1-2, pp. 64-73, 2008.

[2] Mohammadi, A., Tehrani, A.F., Emanian, E. and Karimi, D., "Statistical analysis of wire electrical discharge turning on material removal rate", Journal of materials processing Technology, Vol. 205, No. 1, pp. 283-289, 2008.

[3] Haddad, M., Tajik, M., Tehrani, A.F., Mohammadi, A. and Hadi, M., "An experimental investigation of cylindrical wire electrical discharge turning process using Taguchi approach", International Journal of Material Forming, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 167-179, 2009.

[4] Haddad, M.J., Alihoseini, F., Hadi, M., Hadad, M., Tehrani, A.F. and Mohammadi, A., "An experimental investigation of cylindrical wire electrical discharge turning process", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 46, No. 9-12, pp. 1119-1132, 2010.

[5] Givi, M., Tehrani, A.F. and Mohammadi, A., "Polishing of the aluminum sheets with magnetic abrasive finishing method", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 61, No. 9-12, pp. 989-998, 2012.

[6] Shahali, H., Yazdi, M.R.S., Mohammadi, A. and Iimanian, E., "Optimization of surface roughness and thickness of white layer in wire electrical discharge machining of DIN 1.4542 stainless steel using micro-genetic algorithm and signal to noise ratio techniques", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 226, No. 5, pp. 803-812, 2012.

[7] Amineh, S.K., Tehrani, A.F. and Mohammadi, A., "Improving the surface quality in wire electrical discharge machined specimens by removing the recast layer using magnetic abrasive finishing method", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 66, No. 9-12, pp. 1793-1803, 2013.

 [8] Mohammadi, A., Tehrani, A. and Abdullah, A., "Introducing a new technique in wire electrical discharge turning and evaluating ultrasonic vibration on material removal rate", Procedia CIRP, Vol. 6, No., pp. 583-588, 2013.

 [9] Rabi Yeganeh, M., Mohammadi, A., Ghafarirad, H. and Meskin, M., "Design, Manufacturing and Surface quality Analysis of Machining by Self-Rotary Milling Tool", Journal of Modern Processes in Manufacturing and Production, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 29-38, 2013 (in Persian).

 [10] Amineh, S.K., Tehrani, A.F., Mosadegh, P., Mohammadi, A. and Saeedi, E., "Improving the Surface Quality using Combined Ultrasonic Vibration and Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Method", Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Vol, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 38, 2013.

 [11] Mohammadi, A., Tehrani, A.F. and Abdullah, A., "Investigation on the effects of ultrasonic vibration on material removal rate and surface roughness in wire electrical discharge turning", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 70, No. 5-8, pp. 1235-1246, 2014.

 [12] Mohammadi, A., Tehrani, A.F., Abdullah, A. and Danesh, M., "Investigation of ultrasonic-assisted wire electrical discharge turning based on single discharge analysis", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 228, No. 11, pp. 1372-1380, 2014.

 [13] Shahri, S.E.E., Brooghani, S.Y.A., Khalili, K. and Mohammadi, A., "Improve the formability in tube Hydroforming process using ultrasonic vibrations", Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 63-72, 2014.

 [14] Khalaj Amineh, S., Fadaei Tehrani, A., Mosaddegh, P. and Mohammadi, A., "A Comprehensive Experimental Study on Finishing Aluminum Tube by Proposed UAMAF Process", Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 93-98, 2015.

 [15] Mohammadi, A., Fadaei Tehrani, A. and Abdullah, A., "Modelling and optimisation of the process parameters in ultrasonic-assisted wire electrical discharge turning", Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3-4, pp. 338-349, 2015.

 [16] Barani, A., Paktinat, H., Janmaleki, M., Mohammadi, A., Mosaddegh, P., Fadaei-Tehrani, A. and Sanati-Nezhad, A., "Microfluidic integrated acoustic waving for manipulation of cells and molecules", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 85, No., pp. 714-725, 2016.

 [17] Mohammadi, A., Fadaei Tehrani, A. and Abdullah, A., "Analytical and experimental study of material removal mechanism in turning process by ultrasonic - assisted wire electrical discharge", Iranian Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-9, 2016 (in Persian).

 Conference Papers

[1] A.Fadaei Tehrani, S.M. Safavi, A.Mohammadi, “The supplemental restrain system airbag analysis and Persian Peugeot airbag design”, 5th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2001, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran, June 2001, (in Persian)

[2] A. Mohammadi, A. Fadaie Tehrani, E. Emanian and D.Karimi, “A new approach in turning with wire electrical discharge machining to evaluate the effects of machining parameters on material removal rate”, Proceedings of the 1nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME 2005), Tehran, Iran, December 2005

[3] H.Zarepour, A.Mohammadi, E.Emanian and D.Karimi, “Statistical analysis on machining of AISI 4340 hard steel and representation the mathematical model for prediction surface finish”, 14th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2006, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, May 2006, (in Persian)

[4] A. Mohammadi, A. Fadaei Tehrani, E. Emanian and D.karimi, “Investigation on Surface Roughness of Wire EDM Turning Parts by Statistical Analysis”, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT-2006), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 30- August 3, 2006

[5] A. Mohammadi, A. Fadaiei Tehrani, E. Emanian and D. Karimi, “A new approach in surface roughness and roundness improvement in wire electrical discharge turning based on statistical analyses”, 2006 ASME International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA, October 2006

[6] M.J. Haddad, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, “Application of Taguchi method in the optimization of MRR, Ra and roundness of Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (CWEDT), 15th Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2007, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 2007

[7] M.J. Haddad, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, F. Alihosseini, M. H Sadaghi, “A Study on Surface Roughness, Roundness and Material Removal Rate in Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (CWEDT) Based on Statistical Analysis”, 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINING and DIES/MOLDS Cesme, Turkey, June 2007

[8] M.J. Haddad, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, N.Nehzat, “Experimental Study of Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (CWEDT) Process, Part 1: MRR”, Proceedings of the 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME 2007), Tehran, Iran, December 2007

[9] M.J. Haddad, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, N.Nehzat, “Experimental Study of Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Turning (CWEDT) Process, Part 2: Ra & Roundness”, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME 2007), Tehran, Iran, December 2007

[10] A. Fadaei Tehrani, H. Mohammadi, A.Z. Hamedani, and A. Mohammadi, “Experimental Investigation of Different Parameters Influence on Material Removal Rate in Conical Wire EDM”, Proceedings of the 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME 2007), Tehran, Iran, December 2007

[11] A. Farhadi, A. Fadaei Tehrani, M.J. Haddad, A. Mohammadi, “Effect of Machining Parameters on Cutting Force and Surface Roughness of the Super Alloy Inconel 738”, Proceedings of the 2nd Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (TICME 2007), Tehran, Iran, December 2007

[12] H.Mohammadi, A.Fadaei Tehrani, A.Z.Hamadani and A.Mohammadi, "Experimental Investigation of Surface Roughness in Cylidrical Wire Electro Discharge Machining (CWEDM)", Proceeding of the International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Evanston, Illinois, USA, October.2008

[13] A. Mohammadi, H. Zarepour, "Statistical Analysis of Hard Turning of AISI 4340 Steel on Surface Finish and Cutting Region Temperature", The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT-2008), Manama, Bahrain, November.2008

[14] H.Mohamadi, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A.Mohammadi and A.Z.Hamadani, "Investigation of Material Removal Rate of AISI D3 Tool Steel in Cylindrical Wire EDM (CWEDM)", The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT-2008), Manama, Bahrain, November.2008

[15] M.J. Haddad, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, "Statistical Analysis of the Influence of EDM Parameters on Surface Roughness and Rondness in Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Turning Process", The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT-2008), Manama, Bahrain, November.2008

[16] M.J. Haddad, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, "A Taguchi Approach and Experimental Investigation into the Optimal Processing Conditions for the Cylindrical Wire Electrical Discharge Turning Process", The International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT-2008), Manama, Bahrain, November.2008

[17] A.Mohammadi, A.Fadaei Tehrani, M.R.Yeganeh, “Investigation of surface roughness of aluminum by self-rotary milling tool”, The 10th Iranian Conference of Manufacturing Engineering in Babol Noshirvani University of Technology (ICME2010),Babol, Iran ,March 2010, (Persian)

[18] M. Givi, A. Fadaei Tehrani, A. Mohammadi, “Statistical analysis of magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) on surface roughness”, The 10th International Conferences on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFOPRM 2010),Korea, June 2010