Operations Research II



Major topics:

Chapter 1:  Linear programming: A review

  1. Introduction
  2. A review on Simplex method
  3. Two phase & Big-M method review
  4. Upper bound Technique
  5. Goal programming 

Chapter 2: Dynamic programming

  1. Definitions
  2. Examples
  3. Stochastic dynamic programming
  4. Definitions
  5. Examples

Chapter 3: Integer programming

  1. LP & IP
  2. Integer programming modeling
  3. Examples

Chapter 4: Branch & bound method

  1. Definitions
  2. Solving IP's by B&B
  3. Solving 0-1 models by B&B

Chapter 5: Nonlinear programming

  1. Introduction to matrix properties
  2. Different types of functions and sets (Convexity)
  3. Convex programming
  4. One-Variable unconstrained optimization
  5. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions for constrained optimization
  6. Quadratic programming
  7. Separable programming
  8. Frank-Volf Method
  9. SUMT method
  10. Franctional Programming

Chapter 6: Stochastic programming



  1.  " Introduction to operation research " , Seventh edition, F. S. HILLIER, G. J. LIEBERMAN,
  2. "Model building in mathematical programming", H.P. Williams


