Biography 36


1- Ph.D. 2009, Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

I participated in Ph.D. entrance exam of Industrial Engineering Department of Sharif university of Technology in 2004 and ranked 2 among 50 participants. After finishing the course studies for about two years, I  took my Ph.D. dissertation in the inventory management and lot sizing area under supervision of Dr. Shahram Shadrokh and with advisor Professor Fereydoon Kianfar. Totally my Ph.D. period  took about 5 years and I presented my thesis with rank A in summer  2009.

2- M.S. 2004, Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

I began my M.Sc. Studies from fall 2007 to fall 2009 in Faculty of Engineering, Tehran university after passing the national entrance exam  for M.Sc. Courses with the rank of 16 among near 3000 participants. Considering the industrial occupations as my long term strategy, I decided to have a relevant preparation, hence, I worked in the field of Change Management as  my M.Sc. thesis under supervision of Dr. Kamran Rezai.


3- B.S. 2002, Industrial Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Ranked 202 among about 300000 participants in the B.Sc. National entrance exam, I was accepted for studding Industrial Engineering course in Sharif University of Technology in fall 1998. Hard working at the beginning of B.Sc. period was the key factor in ranking me 3 among 77 classmates for 3 semesters. The internship period in Mega Motor Co. under supervision of our instructors of Industrial engineering department was one of my effective job experience during this course. I graduated in 2002 with total GPA 15.9.