My Pivotal Unique Feature

A multidisciplinary/multi-physics/cross-disciplinary researcher, educator, supervisor, and engineer

Based on my curricula, it can be concluded that I have multidisciplinary/multi-physics/ inter-disciplinary engineering, instructional, supervising, and research characters and skills. I have started my higher education studies and research from civil engineering with strong emphasis on matrix structural dynamics, design and analysis of bridges (during my BSc at SUT) to structural mechanics/ engineering, and applied/computational mechanics, specifically, nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) (during my MSc at SUT) to multi-body/computational dynamics, specifically, computer-aided analysis (CAA) of aerospace structures and mechanisms (during my PhD at UofA) to earthquake engineering, electronics/control engineering, and structronics, specifically, adaptive/semi-active control of nonlinear structures (during my PhD at SUT). Therefore, I have both widened and deepened my academic studies, skills, and research, starting from civil engineering/structural design (BSc), structural engineering/computational mechanics (FEM/SEM) (BSc/MSc/PhD), and earthquake engineering/ structural dynamics/vibration control engineering/semi-active/ active/ passive structural control (MSc/PhD) fields to mechanical engineering/ applied/ continuum mechanics (MSc/PhD), aerospace engineering/multi-body dynamics (MSc/PhD) and electrical engineering/electronics/control engineering (PhD), to smart structures/piezoelectric materials, adaptronics, composite structures/FGM, spectral element methods, axially moving structures, machine learning (ANN, SVM, GA/GP, computer vision), SHM/damage detection/ ultrasonics/ structural system identification, FSI, nano-mechanics, mechatronics, and stochastic vibration/control (assistant professor position at IUT and UI), then, nowadays, to opto-mechatronics, bio-mechatronics, soft robotics, and MEMS (associate professor position at IUT). As a result, I am capable of conducting research, teaching, supervising, and doing engineering design and practice in cross-disciplinary fields of structural engineering, earthquake engineering, civil engineering and engineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, and control engineering, as well as applied and computational mechanics, electronics, structronics, mechatronics, opto-mechatronics, bio-mechatronics, soft robotics, intelligent dynamic systems, MEMS/NEMS, and the related subfields.

In my idea, there should be no strong border lines among different engineering and applied science fields. Even as a more revolutionary idea, I believe that an engineer or scientist with expertise in dynamic systems may work on economic, social, or educational sciences in order to domesticate and capture these human behavioral-based dynamic systems to mathematical, computational, and/or experimental models and formulations, although s/he may be enforced to implement statistical concepts like structured/unstructured parameters or variables present during the dynamic model construction, mathematical formulation, analytical and/or numerical solution and simulation, experimental setup, signal processing and data interpretation, and result validation and/or verification.

Summary of My Top Achievements in my Fields of expertise:


  • Publishing many international/national journal and conference articles on these fields.
  • Earning rank first among 14 Masters’ level students at SUT.
  • Earning rank first for research activities among 5 PhD students at SUT.
  • Earning rank fifth among about 100 Bachelors’ level students at SUT.
  • Earning many prizes during my MSc, PhD at SUT, and during my assistant and associate professorship at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) and University of Isfahan (UI).
  • Education and research at borderlines of established fields like (1) Civil (2) Structural (3) Mechanical (4) Aerospace (5) Electronics (6) Control & (7) Computer Engineering, I think and believe in that my multi-disciplinary specialty is unique and valuable for Industry 4.0 age.
  • Specialist in piezoelectric structures and materials for designing sensor and actuator transducers.
  • Specialist in electromechanical finite element and spectral element modeling, analysis, and design of structures, like civil, mechanical, aerospace, automotive, marine, biomedical, and micro/nano.
  • Specialist in seismic design of building, bridge, dam, off-shore, & on-shore, structures.
  • Specialist in theoretical/computational modeling/analysis/design of MEMS/NEMS transducers.
  • Teaching a lot of diverse undergrad/graduate engineering and mathematics courses as tabulated.