m.eslami@iut.ac.ir Office your complete address Phone +98 311 391xxxx Fax +98 311 391xxxx Positions Associate Professor of Your Department Research Interests Fields number one Fields number two Fields number three More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Solid Particles Erosion Performance of a Fe-Cr-C Chromium Carbide Overlay - Journal An Investigation on the Inhibition Behavior of Anodic Inhibitors on St37 Carbon Steel in Closed-Circuit Cooling Water 10.1007/s13369-023-08386-4 Journal Risk-based inspection (RBI) of a gas pressure reduction station 10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105100 Journal Investigation on utilizing pulse CP in a city gas station: A comparison with conventional CP - Journal Microbial Corrosion of Water Distribution Piping of a Petrochemical Plant 10.1007/s11668-023-01634-7 Journal Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Service-Exposed HP-MA Heat-Resistant Steel Tube, Used in Cracking Furnaces - Journal Effect of heat treatment on microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion performance of 410NiMo super martensitic stainless steel cladded on 21CrMoV5-11 by Submerged Arc Welding Process 10.1007/s13369-023-07856-z Journal An Investigation on room and high temperature wear performance of Fe-45%WC hardfaced coating applied on ductile cast iron 10.1007/s11665-023-08077-z Journal Failure Analysis of Two HP-Nb Heat-Resistant Tubes after 46,000 h Exposure to Reformer Service Conditions 10.3390/met13020228 Journal Effect of heat treatment on corrosion, fatigue and corrosion fatigue behavior of 17-4PH stainless steel - Journal