Electronics II

This course delves into several practical structures and applications in the field of analog electronics, building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Electronics I. Electronics II emphasizes practical, real-world applications and provides a comprehensive understanding of advanced electronic principles. The main topics covered in this course include:

  1. Review of Electronics I: For both MOSFETs and BJTs, the following subjects will be reviewed:
    1. Biasing methods;
    2. Small signal models;
    3. Analysis and calculation of key characteristics of the three main amplifier configurations:
      Voltage gain;
      Input resistance;
      Output resistance; 
      Voltage swing;
      Other relevant parameters.
  2. Power Amplifiers: Generally, in electronic circuits, many signals are generated by weak sources (with high resistance) and must drive strong actuators (with low equivalent resistance). This issue can cause the source to overheat and burn or result in a significant signal loss. Voltage buffers, or power amplifiers (PAs), are employed to address this issue. The course will cover the following power amplifier structures:
    1. Class A.
    2. Class B.
    3. Class AB.
    4. Transformer-coupled PAs.
  3. Differential Amplifiers: Signal transmission often encounters interferences that can potentially corrupt the original signal. Differential amplifiers can distinguish the desired signal from interferences, amplifying the desired signal while attenuating unwanted common  noise. This capability is just one of the many features of differential amplifiers. The advantages of this amplifier are so numerous that it can be said there is hardly any chip in which a member of the differential amplifier family is not present! The following topics will be covered in this section:
    1. Development of the structure;
    2. DC and AC analysis;
    3. Large-signal analysis;
    4. Differential and common-mode analysis;
    5. Current source structures, including:
       Concepts an Introduction;
       Current Mirror;
       Cascode Current Mirror; 
       Wilson Current Source;
       Widlar Current Source.
    6. Differential Amplifiers with Active Loads (utilizing current sources in the differential amplifier structure).
  4. Feedback: What we calculate and analyze on paper often differs from the practical performance of our circuits. Therefore, it is unwise for a circuit to disregard its output and operate without feedback. Implementing feedback allows a circuit to continuously monitor and compare its output, thereby enabling it to self-correct and improve its performance. Feedback offers several advantages, including reduced gain sensitivity, increased bandwidth, idealized input and output impedance, and enhanced linearity. This chapter covers the following topics:
    1. Introduction;
    2. Two-port network models;
    3. Feedback topologies:
       Shunt-shunt feedback;
       Series-shunt feedback;
       Shunt-series feedback; 
       Series-series feedback;
  5. Operational amplifier: In this chapter, we will apply the concepts learned in Electronics 2 to design and construct a widely-used circuit. We will begin by creating a high-quality amplifier with an active load using a differential amplifier (Chapter 3). To enhance its output power, we will incorporate power amplifiers (Chapter 2). This circuit is known as an Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp). Due to its unique features, the Op-Amp performs exceptionally well when used in a feedback loop, which is why Op-Amps are commonly utilized in such configurations (Chapter 4). It is noteworthy that Op-Amps are ubiquitous, found in nearly every discrete and integrated circuit. This chapter will cover the following topics:
    1. Investigating the internal circuit of Op-Amp 741.
    2. Introduction and analyze of widely used Op-Amp based circuits, such as:
       Inverting amplifier;
       Noninverting amplifier;
       Voltage adder; 
       Differential amplifier;
       Instrumentation amplifier; 
       Inverting integrator;
       Noninverting integrator;
       Precision rectifier (super diode);
       Precision full-wave rectifier;
       Logarithmic amplifier; 
       Anti-log amplifier;
       Negative impedance converter;
       Generalized impedance converter; 
       Current-to-voltage converter; 
       Voltage-to-current converter.
    3. Op-Amp nonidealities:
       Finite gain; 
       Finite input resistance and non-zero output resistance;
       DC-voltage offset; 
       Input bias current; 
       Bandwidth limitation;
  6. Voltage Regulator (Linear Family):