Vahid Atefi, Mohammad Ebrahimi, "Parameter Sensitivity Analysis in a Variety of Vector Control Methods of the Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine", International Conference for Students and Engineers of Electrical and Clean Energy, 21 November 2022.
M Afshar, S Abdi, A Mortazavizadeh, P Fajri, M Ebrahimi, "A New Stator Winding Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault Detection Method For Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine," 2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 223-228, 2020
M Afshar, S Abdi, M Ebrahimi, SA Mortazavizadeh, "Static eccentricity fault detection in brushless doubly-fed induction machines based on motor current signature analysis", IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2019
M Mohamadi, A Rashidi, SM Saghaian-nezhad, M Ebrahimi, "A switched reluctance motor drive system with voltage regulation and Power Factor Correction front-end converter," 2017 Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1095-1100, 2017
M Mohamadi, A Rashidi, SM Saghaian-nezhad, M Ebrahimi, "A modified quasi z-source converter for switched reluctance motor drive," 2017 8th Power Electronics, Drive Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC …2017
A Ghaderi, J Soltani, M Ebrahimi, AAF Nassiraei, "Modification of electric drive vehicles performances using a direct torque control with over-modulation ability" IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2015
A. Khazaee, HA. Zarchih, M. Ebrahimi, "Robust maximum power point tracking control of permanent magnet synchronous generator for grid connected wind turbines," Tehran, Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation (ICREDG), Second Iranian Conference on, March 2012.
E. Rezaei, M. Ebrahimi, A. Sadoughi, "Variable Structure Control of a DFIG-Based Wind Generation System," Shanghai, China,World Congress on Engineering and Technology (CET2011), Oct.-Nov. 2011
R. Sharifi, M. Ebrahimi, "Review and Evaluation the methods of Detection the Stator Winding Faults in Induction Motors," (in Persian), Tehran, 3th Conference on Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection, 2008.
E. Rezaei, F. Sheykholaslam, M. Ebrahimi, "Stator Resistance Fuzzy Estimation in Vector Control of Induction Motors," (in Persian), in Proc. of the 16th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 2008.
A. Sadoughi, M. Ebrahimi, M. Moalem, S. Sadri, "Intelligent Diagnosis of Broken Bars in Induction Motors Based on New Features in Vibration Spectrum," Poland, IEEE SDEMPED'07, Sep. 2007.
M. Ebrahimi, A. Sadoughi, M. Moallem, A. Yazdanparast, "Induction Motor Broken Bar Dignosis (A Review)," United Arab Emirates, ICMSAO 2007, March 2007.
A. Sadoughi, M. Ebrahimi, S. Sadri, H. Allameh, "A Practical Induction Motor Broken Bar Diagnoser," United Arab Emirates, ICMSAO 2007, March 2007.
M. Ebrahimi, A. Khoobroo, M. Ghayour, "Dynamic Analysis, Anti-sway and Velocity Control of Overhead Cranes," Iran, ISME 2006, May 2006.
M. Ebrhimi, A. Sadoughi, M. Bayat, "Induction Motor Broken Bar Diagnosis by Simultaneous Current and Vibration Sampling," Greece, ICEM 2006, Sep. 2006.
A. Sadoughi, S. Tashakkor, M. Ebrahimi, "Intelligent Fault Diagnosing of Bearing in Rotating Machinery," Greece, ICEM.2006, Sep. 2006.
A. Sadoughi, S. Tashakkor, M. Ebrahimi, A. Rezaei, "Fault Diagnosis Bearing in Rotating Machinery Based on Vibration Power Signal," Korea, SICEICASE, 2006, Oct. 2006.
A. Sadoughi, M. Ebrahimi, A. Rezaei, "A New Aproach for Induction Motor Broken Bar Diagnosis by using Vibration Spectrum," Korea, SICE-ICASE.2006, Oct. 2006.
A. Ghaderi , T. Hanamoto, T. Tsuji, M. Ebrahimi, "A Novel Implementation Method of a Programmable Cascaded Low Pass Filters for a Low Speed Sensorless Control of Synchronous Reluctance Motors," Malaysia, in Proc. PEDS 2005 pp. 360-366, 2005.
E. Rezaei, M. Ebrahimi, M. Bayat, H. Nili, "Evaluation and Improvement of Power Selsyn for Speed Synchronization of Induction Motors," in Proc. ICPE'04, Korea, Oct.2004.
M. Moradiyan, M. Ebrahimi, M. Danesh, M. Bayat, "Detection of Broken Rotor Bars in Induction Motors, Using Neural Network," in Proc. ICPE'04, Korea, Oct.2004.
A. Ghaderi, M. Ebrahimi, T. Hanamoto,"A Novel Compensation Method of the Flux Estimation Error in a Stator Flux Oriented Vector Control of Induction Motors," in Proc. ICEE, Japan, 2004, Vol. 1.
M. Ebrahimi, " A Software Toolbox for Control of Induction Motor Drives," (in Persian), in Proc. of the 8th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 2000.
M. Ebrahimi, B. Moshiri, "A Neural Network Approach to Rotor Time Constant Updating for Vector-Controlled Induction Motor," Proc. of the IASTED International Conference Control and Applications, July 1999.
M. Ebrahimi, A. Shoulaie, H. Seifi, "A Joint Scalar-Vector Controller for Induction Motors," (in Persian) in Proc. of the 10th International Power System Conference, 1995.