Water shortages in arid regions of the country are considered the main limiting factors for development of vegetation in desertification projects; So that at present over 70% of biologic desertification and consolidated sands projects credits spent on supply operations of Water and Irrigation in desert areas country. This project as part of the desert area which is located in Sejzi plain with aimed at achieving a way that can be further carried out establishment and survival of seedlings and increase of water productivity. In this experiment was cultivated Haloxylon ammodendron planted under plastic floor coatings treatment and control. In the plastic film treatment to avoid water loss of the gaps was used from porous plastic film. All treatments were under equally conditions. This project was carried out the balance of the CRD (completely randomized design) over a period of nine months. During this period, indicators such as seedling’s height, crown diameter were examined. Data are obtained from these assessments were analyzed by using SPSS software. The results of analysis of variance of data showed that plastic lining is suitable water-supplying technique for growth of Haloxylon ammodendron sapling in these arid conditions. In many playas as a result of high evaporation the contraction of clay in the soil may result in some underground cracks. In Sejzi plain, there are also so many deep cracks which cause irrigation water fritter and put the water out of plants reach. This may be one of the reasons of seedling wilting in many reclamation projects. This new planting technique for seedlings was designed to reduce drainage from the planting pit and improving drought resistance of saxaul seedlings. But in the controls showed the least efficiency for retaining water and the planted saxaul in this way remained very small.