2019 papers

  1. Khajeddin, S., Matinkhah, S., & Jafari, Z. (2019). A drought resistance index to select drought resistant plant species based on leaf water potential measurements. Journal of Arid Land11, 623-635.
  2. Shafei Esfeden, S., & Matinkhah, S. H. (2019). Comparison of phytoremediation capacity of Ailanthus altissima Mill. and Fraxinus excelsior L. in removal of nitrate and phosphate in water. Desert management6(12), 107-118.
  3. Sheikhzadeh, A., Bashari, H., Tarkesh Esfahani, M., Matinkhah, S., & Soleimani, M. (2019). Investigation of rangeland indicator species using parametric and non-parametric methods in hilly landscapes of central Iran. Journal of Mountain Science16(6), 1408-1418.



