2017 papers

  1. Maryam Rezashateri, Sayed Jamaleddin Khajeddin, Jahangir Abedi-Koupai, Mohammad Mahdi Majidi & Sayed Hamid Matinkhah (2017) Growth characteristics of Artemisia sieberi influenced by super absorbent polymers in texturally different soils under water stress condition, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 63:7, 984-997, DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2016.1256473

  2. Rezashateri, M., Khajeddin, S.J., Matinkhah, S. and Majidi, M.M., 2017. The Effects of Soil Ameliorating Hydrogels on Root System Characteristics of Avena fatua in Two Different Soil Textures. JWSS-Isfahan University of Technology, 21(2), pp.151-164.

  3. Shahbazi, A., Matinkhah, S., Khajeali, J., Bashari, H., & Tarkesh Esfahani, M. (2017). The effects of pollinators and seed predators (Bruchidius koenigi Schilsky) on the breeding biology of Hedysarum criniferum Boiss. Plant Species Biology32(1), 36-44.

  4. Shahbazi, A., Matin Khah, H., Bashari, H., & Tarkesh Esfahani, M. (2017). Forage quality of Astragalus cyclophyllon G. Beek and Hedysarum criniferum Boiss in Chadegan region of Isfahan.

  5. Mohammadi Sarabi, Haji Ali, Mousavi, Matinkhah, Esfahani, & Mostafa Turkesh. (2017). The optimum size of pasture units for sustainable exploitation of pastures in the Murgai Izeh river basin. Scientific Research Journal of Applied Ecology, 6(1), 69-80
