10. Molecular variation of alfalfa mosaic virus isolated from different hosts in Isfahan province
11. Comparison of certain Iranian maize mosaic virus isolates using nucleocapsid protein gene sequencing
13. Detection and Molecular Characterization of Grapevine Phytoplasmas in Central Region of Iran
14. Molecular Properties of Maize Rough Dwarf Disease Agent in Isfahan Province
15. Simultaneous Detection of Potato Viruses by Multiplex RT-PCR
16. Simultaneous Detection of Important Apple Viruses by Multiplex-RT-PCR
17. Molecular identification and distribution of Plum pox virus and Tomato ringspot virus in stone fruit trees in Isfahan province
18. Identification, distribution and molecular characterization of potato virus Y recombinant strains in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari provinces
19. Transmission, host range and certain molecular properties of cynodon chlorotic streak virus
20. Detection and identification of endosymbionts of Toya propinqua and their effects on transmission of cynodon chlorotic streak virus
21. Maize Iranian Mosaic Virus: Genetic Diversity and Comparison of Virus Gene Transcription Levels in Maize and Planthopper Vector
22. Metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis of resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars infected to wheat streak mosaic virus at normal and high temperatures
23. Complete nucleotide sequence, host range and transmissio of the dominant reovirus causing maize rough dwarf disease in Isfahan