Hamed Sanatgar

Grade:  Master


Thesis Title:

Design and Manufacture of a Biaxial Tension Testing Machine

Year: Sept. 2016- Jun. 2019.


Over the past few years, research on the behavior and characteristics of materials including metals have developed substantially, and the results have led to significant improvements in different areas including metal forming. Tension test is one of the non-destructive tests for identifying material characteristics in which a sample is undergone axial tension force until it fractured. A biaxial tension test is employed in order to determine the characteristics of anisotropic materials. This study aims at designing and manufacturing a biaxial tension test device that is as precise and operational as the off-the-shelf devices but significantly more cost-effective. At the first step, the existing devices and their characteristics are reviewed to understand the state-of-the-practice and state-of-the-art. Then various components of the device (e.g., ball bearing, rail, and wagon) are selected according to maximum forces that may exist. In the next step, a conceptual model of the biaxial tension test is developed based on different dimensional limits and required features of the test. Finally, the various device components are manufactured and assembled, and validation tests are performed. The manufactured device provides a tension-strain diagram of perpendicular directions for a cruciform sample. Test results indicate a high level of precision for the device.


Keywords:  Anisotropy, Biaxial tension device, Cruciform sample, Stress-strain diagram

